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“Put the Flicker on for a Right Turn, but Go Left.”

(Image credit: By meandmybadself [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons) Over at LifeSiteNews, editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen has an analysis of the current state of confusion as regards the papal position on Holy Communion for the divorced and “remarried” boldly titled, Pope Francis is playing with fire. Hell fire. Westen has, as we’ve recently noted, been taking a…

A Dubious Influence: De Lubac & Von Balthasar’s Effect on Catholic Thought

(Image: From left to right, Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar) Editor’s note: The author of this essay is, according to his own words, “not a certified academic, let alone theologian. These thoughts are simply the opinion of a Catholic artist who, having studied the deprivations of ‘Modern art,’ is concerned about the…

Pro-Life Speaker Westen Receives Standing Ovation For Vatican Critique

From 10-11 March 2017, the Bringing America Back to Life Convention was held in Cleveland, Ohio. The convention was a gathering of nearly 1,500 defenders of life from different religious backgrounds and from all parts of the United States. This gathering, which included the courageous former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, also featured many Catholic speakers such…

Cardinal Burke Speaks on the “Formal Correction”

Last night at Saint Raymond of Peñafort parish in Springfield, Virginia, Cardinal Raymond Burke gave a talk in which he addressed questions about the long-awaited “formal correction” promised by the Four Cardinals in the event that Pope Francis does not respond to the dubia submitted to him last September and made public in November. Before the video (courtesy…

Cardinal Marx’ Seminary Received Only One New Seminarian in 2016

On 18 March, Cardinal Reinhard Marx — Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising and President of the German Bishops’ Conference — spoke at a diocesan meeting and revealed a stunning fact. In the year of 2016, only one new seminarian entered the diocesan seminary of Munich. According to the Austrian Catholic website, moreover, Cardinal…

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