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Patterns of Change: Cardinal Marx’ Revealing Words about Pope Francis and Married Priests

Last week, there took place in Germany the Spring General Assembly of the German Bishops’ Conference with more than 60 German bishops present. As we reported, it was exactly during the time of this episcopal meeting that a significant interview with Pope Francis was also published, and prominently, in a German national weekly newspaper Die…

“Blasphemous,” “Disgusting,” & “Demonic”: Archbishop Paglia’s Homoerotic Mural

Image: The mural, commissioned by Archbishop Paglia for his cathedral Church in Terni-Narni-Amelia, depicts homoerotic themes, trangender persons, prostitutes, drug dealers and other material highly inappropriate for a church setting. Last week on the 1P5 podcast, I talked to Joseph Sciambra about the revelation that Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, Pope Francis’ newly-appointed head of the Pontifical Academy for Life…

What Pope Francis Can Learn from Pope Benedict about Humility

Which pope, long before being raised to the papal office, criticized “the all-too-predetermined dogmatic reading” [1] of the Bible, and later, having exercised that office, continued promoting this belief “that theology obviously has its own freedom and task, that it cannot be completely servile to the Magisterium” [2]? Many people today would be surprised to learn that…

Update on John Vennari

Some of you have asked about the condition of John Vennari, the publisher of Catholic Family News, who is gravely ill with cancer and was originally not expected to live beyond his birthday on February 24th. On Saturday, Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant, posted an update on Vennari: Dear Friends of John Vennari: John is still with…

The Ongoing Discussion about Pope Benedict XVI’s Resignation Receives New Fuel

Since the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013, speculations have never fully ceased as to whether he was pressured to do so, after all, in order to make way for a more progressive-leaning pontiff. Archbishop Luigi Negri has now given new fuel to this debate in a recent 6 March interview, as…

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