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Steve Skojec

Traditionis Custodes: an Act of War Against Faithful Catholics

For those who love the traditional Latin Mass, it’s been a rough few days. Pope Francis unleashed a new motu proprio last Friday — “Traditionis Custodes” — that overturned Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum and returned the TLM’s legal status to the days of the indult offered by Pope John Paul II. Except I think it’s fair…

Crippled Religion Strikes Again – And Summorum Pontificum Gets the Axe

Today, a new motu proprio letter was issued by Pope Francis imposing new (and in some respects brutal) suppressions on the usus antiquior of the Roman Rite. The truth is, we saw this coming. Rumors have been circulating for a while, and though the fact that we’ve heard similar things throughout this pontificate dulled our…

New Episcopal Comments Indicate Summorum Pontificum May Be Overturned

Today, new comments have emerged from three high prelates — including Archbishop Arthur Roche, the new prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship — have added fuel to the speculation that an unwanted change is coming for those Catholics who love the Traditional Latin Mass. Rumors have been swirling for weeks that Pope Francis has…

Despite Planned Parenthood’s Recent PR, Eugenics Remain a Big Factor in the Abortion Industry

Last month, Alexis McGill Johnson, the current president of Planned Parenthood, penned a New York Times Op-Ed in which she claimed, “We’re done making excuses for our founder.” That founder, of course, is the early 20th century racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who made contraception and abortion targeted at culling the “unfit” from society her life’s…

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