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Steve Skojec

Beauty in the Ruins: Seeking Submissions About Catholic Life in a Time of Crisis

Every now and then, I re-issue the call for submissions. As both COVID and Francis fatigue have worn on, we’ve had had fewer submissions coming in. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired – of everything. And that’s understandable. But that’s why it’s important to remember that 1P5’s original mission was (and…

Pressure Mounts For the Church to Change Her Teaching on Homosexuality As Open Schism Looms

Earlier this week, Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register reported that the Church is facing pressure on multiple fronts to change her teaching that homosexuality is “intrinsically disordered”: Pressure continues to be exerted on Church leaders to remove the language of Catholic teaching that states that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” and “under no…

Are Former Opus Dei Members’ Claims of Cult Tactics & Drugging Being Investigated?

When I was in Regnum Christi — the lay movement of the now-disgraced but somehow still not suppressed Legionaries of Christ — it wasn’t long before it became clear to me that Opus Dei was seen as a direct rival organization. When I attended the Highlands School in Irving, Texas, for my senior year, one…

Steve Skojec & Tim Gordon on The Return of the Female Deacons Question

Yesterday, I pinged Tim Gordon about an article on a new international symposium entitled, “Towards a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood.” In it, I caught the following line: “And among the issues that will be discussed are mandatory priestly celibacy and women deacons.” This morning, Tim had me as a guest on his show, Rules…

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