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Karl Rahner and the Unspoken Framework of (Much of) Modern Theology

Charles Coulombe’s interesting remark in a recent article that Pius XII, for all his intransigence against dogmatic modernism, allowed Father Karl Rahner, S.J., to be the editor of the prestigious Denzinger prompted me to take up the question of Rahner’s theology and the immense influence it has had on modern Catholic discourse. His influence is…

From Gnosticism to Marxism: The Spirit of Antichrist in Movement

In part one we defined Gnosticism. Part two demonstrated how the Big Bang Theory corresponds to general Occultism. Now we will show how modern evolutionary theory connects to each system. THE DRAGONS OF EDEN: EVOLUTION IN GENESIS? H.P. Blavatsky believed that, allegorically, “the whole Darwinian theory of natural selection is included in the first six…

Gnosticism: the Original ‘Woke’ Culture

Today we begin a multi-part series on Gnosticism. It will gradually show how this ancient movement is very much alive today, albeit clothed in different types of garments, most notably in those of ‘science.’ It’s also worth mentioning that every modern Occult movement or figure we’ve mentioned thus far––esoteric Freemasonry, Theosophy, Jungian psychology, Crowleyite magic,…

What is the Occult?

Editor’s note: as the Occult continues to find greater influence and prominence in the Church and society, we present part one of this series, Christ Against the Occult, which will expose and oppose these forces at the root level.  What is meant by the term occult? There’s a variety of definitions; we’ll add one of our…

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