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Colligite Fragmenta: Candlemas or the Feast of the Purification

The Feast we celebrate this Sunday is called the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.    On this day we definitively close out the Advent/Christmas cycle.  It is forty days since Christmas.  According to Mosaic Law, women who had given birth were required to offer a sacrifice for ritual purification.  Of course, Our Lady was not…

Colligite Fragmenta – 2nd Sunday of Advent: “Slap in the Face Obvious”

On the 1st Sunday of Advent it was the Church’s duty, which as a good Mother she fulfilled, to urge us to do penance in view of the end times and judgement at the Second Coming.  This week she points to the joy that awaits us after penance and judgement, encapsulated in “Jerusalem”.  We are…

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