
OnePeterFive is now accepting unsolicited submissions for article drafts. Please read our editorial stance and familiarize yourself with our content before submitting. We are looking for writers who can help us to rebuild Catholic culture and restore Catholic tradition with a pragmatic approach to understanding and overcoming the challenges Catholics face in today’s Church.

Our features typically run 800-1500 words in length, though longer articles will be considered if the subject warrants. We welcome your photographs and any images which you have the right to publish if they are appropriate for the article.

We prefer an article pitch before acceptance of a fully written piece. Submissions may be emailed to editor (at) onepeterfive (dot) com. Put your article title in the subject line, and information about the article (and any attachments) in the body.

Please note that due to the volume of email we receive, only those pitches we choose to publish are guaranteed a response.

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