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OnePeterFive needs your support. Traditional Catholicism is under attack both inside and outside the Church, and OnePeterfive stands at the forefront in defending our Catholic traditions. We are here to help Catholics rebuild Catholic culture and restore Catholic tradition.

Everything you receive on 1P5 is free.  But it isn’t free to produce.  We rely on your donations to keep producing the high-quality content we provide each and every day.

You can make a one-time, tax-deductible donation, but we ask you to consider signing up to make a monthly donation.  This gives us the stability we need to maintain expand both our content and influence.  Whether you give $5 or $25 or even $50 or $100 each month, please know that no gift is too small and no gift is too large.

Your gift to OnePeterFive is tax-deductible.  Please help us ensure that OnePeterFive will be here during this most critical moment for the Church.

To make a gift online via our safe, high-security server, please click here. To donate via Cryptocurrency, click here.

You can also contribute by calling 800-888-9344, or sending a check to:

PO Box 5284
Manchester, NH 03108
(Note: Our mailing address has recently changed. The New Hampshire address is the correct one!)

Masses for the previous month’s benefactors and their intentions are offered on the 13th of each month by the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem. Masses are offered according to the 1962 Missal at the Priory of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Charles Town, WV. Thank you for your support!

About OnePeterFive

OnePeterFive is a division of Crisis Publications, a non-profit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible. In accordance with IRS regulations, I am pleased to inform you that OnePeterFive did not provide any goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for this contribution.

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