RESPECT THE DEAD: Bishop Tissier Goes to His Eternal Reward
We ask all Catholics to respect the dead and refrain from all commentary and polemics and instead focus on praying for his soul.
SSPX Bishop on His Death Bed?
If he is to die, let us pray that he may die the good death of a Catholic.
Bishop Schneider Launches New AI Tool for Reliable Catholic Teaching
The Master Catechism is a digital search engine drawn exclusively from the approved Catholic catechisms of the past 1,000 years.
The Latin Mass for the Collegium
To that end, there are several TLMs that continue to be celebrated in the area.
Erotic Poet Appointed as New Head of Doctrine at the Vatican
Pope Francis has chosen erotic poet Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández as new head of doctrine at the Vatican.
The FBI Targets the SSPX
We know – and they know – that the rulers in the “high places” are the demons who animate the goals and initiatives of the Satanic overlords who seek to destroy all that remains of Christian civilization.
American Fighting Men Renew the Crusade Against Communism
A casual perusal of the most recent headlines coming from Rome–even by the most uninformed Catholic reader– would cause a reaction of great concern and above all, confusion. For those who have a bit more information at their disposal – and who may be aware of other news and machinations coming from the World Economic…
Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate
The hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church is partially responsible for why bishops, including the pope, are not investigated or accountable to any external oversight body. As a consequence, one should not be surprised that only 7 out of 150 bishops credibly accused of abusing minors or vulnerable adults have actually been laicized. In the…
USCCB Support for Heretical Anti-Church Synodality
At the end of June, the Lepanto Institute sent someone to scope out the heretical Association of US Catholic Priests’ (AUSCP) Annual Assembly in Baltimore, MD, take pictures, listen in on the talks, and obtain whatever literature they could get their hands on. The biggest discovery was the fact that for the first time an…