Beauty in the Ruins: Seeking Submissions About Catholic Life in a Time of Crisis

Every now and then, I re-issue the call for submissions. As both COVID and Francis fatigue have worn on, we’ve had had fewer submissions coming in. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired – of everything. And that’s understandable.

But that’s why it’s important to remember that 1P5’s original mission was (and still is): “Rebuilding Catholic Culture, Restoring Catholic Tradition.”

What has been happening in Rome, and more lately, the world, has diverted much of our attention to what seems to be a never-ending cascade of outrageous stories of crisis at all levels of Church and State. And while it’s important that we recognize, document, and confront these evils, we’ve discussed here multiple times that a glut of scandal and never-ending arguing are demoralizing things indeed. We need more than a daily barrage of bad news. We need to remind ourselves of the beauty of Catholicism and of the life God has given us. We need to remember why our faith is the force that produced countless saints and shaped all of Western Civilization, and why there is yet hope in the world.

With that in mind, we need your stories.

If you know of a positive development that shows how even now, grace is at work in building up the Mystical Body of Christ please consider submitting an article or pitch to [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Examples of things we’re looking for are below — but we’re not limited to just these!

People often ask me, after reading about all that’s going on today, “What can I do?” Well, the first thing is to pray. Take that effort seriously. But if you’re looking for more hands-on action, consider this: together, we can do more than just stand watch as the infiltrators attempt to destroy what we love and hold most dear. We can encourage, support, inspire, and learn from each other how best to rebuild what has been lost. We may not be able to ignore the crisis, but we can spend more of our time looking beyond it, knowing that the future belongs to Christ and those who love Him.

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