First Friday Reminder: Join the New Crusade!
Gather a group in your parish or diocese to pray regularly these prayers for your bishop to restore the Latin Mass in your diocese and root our liturgical abuses and sacrileges.
Gather a group in your parish or diocese to pray regularly these prayers for your bishop to restore the Latin Mass in your diocese and root our liturgical abuses and sacrileges.
That blessed man, Saint Martin, bishop of Tours, has entered into his rest. The Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Dominations and Powers have welcomed him. Alleluia! (Taken the Alleluia Verse in the Propers for the Feast of St. Martin of Tours in the 1962 Roman Catholic Missal). Armistice Day & Praying for the Dead Armistice Day…
Let us consider how our fathers felt when they saw the Muhammadan fleets on the horizon at Lepanto in 1571. As all of Christendom fearfully poured forth prayers to the Most Holy Virgin, Almighty God worked victory for our fathers over the Muhammadan hordes once again. Let us renew our trust in our Lady of…
Above: The Visitation by Flemish painter Willem Vrelant (d. 1481). Today, July 2, is the usus antiquior feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast was instituted in 1389 by, in a way, two popes—Pope Urban VI as the one who intended to institute it, in hopes of obtaining the end of…
If you have ever shown up early to church and found yourself quietly paging through your hand missal—let’s say, a Saint Andrew Daily Missal reprint from 1945—you might have stumbled across a section of Mass formularies that may be unfamiliar owing to the rarity of their use. Some of these will be identified as Votive…
In view of the horrible maltreatments of Our Eucharistic Lord. no true Catholic bishop, priest or lay faithful can remain indifferent and simply stand by and watch.
The poison of Jansenism, however, which, under the pretext of showing due honor and reverence to the Eucharist, had infected the minds even of good men, was by no means a thing of the past.
It almost feels like God already knew this filth would happen, and already charged June with the liturgical power necessary to soften hardened hearts, and save souls and societies.
Latin, Bible, and CREDO Catechism classes offered next year for homeschoolers.
The orthodox spirit cowers under the looming Kantian sense of "dignity."