Day of Reparation for the Crimes against the Most Holy Eucharist
In view of the horrible maltreatments of Our Eucharistic Lord. no true Catholic bishop, priest or lay faithful can remain indifferent and simply stand by and watch.
In view of the horrible maltreatments of Our Eucharistic Lord. no true Catholic bishop, priest or lay faithful can remain indifferent and simply stand by and watch.
We must pray to the Lord with the words of Esther: “We have no helper but you.”
With Our Lady as our Intercessor, we will not fail.
Bishop Strickland will probably go down in history as an “Athanasius of the Church in the USA,” who however, unlike St. Athanasius, is not persecuted by the secular power, but incredibly by the Pope himself.
O Lord, look mercifully upon the little ones in the Church.
There is no authority to declare or consider an elected and generally accepted Pope as an invalid Pope. The constant practice of the Church makes it evident that even in the case of an invalid election this invalid election will be de facto healed through the general acceptance of the new elected by the overwhelming…
We thank You from the depth of our soul for the inestimable gift of the Catholic Faith.
The traditional Latin Mass shows unambiguously the beauty of the complementary roles of both sexes in public Divine worship.
In disobeying formally, one in fact obeys the Catholic Church of all ages and all the popes.
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love you! I ask pardon for for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love you.