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Prayer Imploring for Holy Popes

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Dear faithful Catholics, especially those who suffer as they witness our Holy Mother Church live through an unprecedented crisis. Dear Catholic fathers and mothers of families! Dear Catholic young people! Dear innocent Catholic children! And especially dear religious contemplative Sisters, the spiritual gems of the Church! Dear Catholic seminarians! Dear Catholic priests, who are “the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”!

The confusion within the Church has reached such the point that we must pray to the Lord with the words of Esther: “We have no helper but you” (Esther 4:31/14:3 Vulg.). Therefore, let us take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the daily Prayer to implore Holy Popes. Let us cry out with the psalmist: “Arise, O Lord, why do You sleep? Arise, O Lord, help us and bring us salvation!” (Ps. 43:23).

January 18, 2024, Ancient Feast of the Chair of St. Peter in Rome

+ Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

Prayer Imploring for Holy Popes

Kyrie Eleison! Christe Eleison! Kyrie Eleison! Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! With Your almighty hand You guide Your pilgrim Church through the storms of each age.

Adorn the Holy See with holy popes who neither fear the powerful of this world nor compromise with the spirit of the age, but preserve, strengthen, and defend the Catholic Faith unto the shedding of their blood, and observe, protect, and hand on the venerable liturgy of the Roman Church.

O Lord, return to us through holy popes who, inflamed with the zeal of the Apostles, proclaim to the whole world: “Salvation is found in no other than in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which they should be saved” (see Acts 4:10-12).

Through an era of holy popes, may the Holy See—which is home to all who promote the Catholic and Apostolic Faith— always shine as the cathedra of truth for the whole world. Hear us, O Lord, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, grant us holy Popes, grant us many holy Popes! Have mercy on us and hear us! Amen.

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