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Maike Hickson

In Austria, Official Websites under Cdl. Schönborn Undermining Humanae Vitae

The official website of the Austrian bishops under Cardinal Christoph Schönborn’s watch, as well as his own diocesan website, has published a series of articles in light of the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae. These articles present a major undermining of essential Church teachings as they were laid…

Veteran Catholic Journalist: All Bishops Involved in Sex Abuse Scandal Must Resign

Christopher Manion, a veteran journalist and political analyst, makes the striking call that all U.S. bishops should resign who knew about the ongoing abuse crisis within the U.S. hierarchy for years and yet did not intervene. He also now reveals some painful aspects of the role of Rome in this regard – namely, the lame…

Pope Praises Cardinal Who Now Admits Remarried Divorcees to Communion

Manuel Clemente, the Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal published on 12 July a letter sent to him by Pope Francis in which the Pope praises him for publishing pastoral guidelines permitting some “remarried” divorcees to receive Holy Communion. After his 2016 letter to the bishops of the Buenos Aires region, this is the second direct papal approval…

Germany’s Cdl. Marx Making Himself the Enemy of Monasteries, Nuns

Peter Seewald, the German journalist who published several books with Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, has recently been writing reports on the closing down of monasteries in the Diocese of Freising-Munich, always against the reverent will of the nuns in those monasteries. In April of 2018, OnePeterFive mentioned the case of Altomünster, a thousand-year-old abbey in…

German Dioceses Respond to ‘Give Protestants Communion’ Guidelines. It’s Not Good.

At an astonishing pace, one third of the 27 German dioceses have already now come out with statements concerning the recently published controversial intercommunion guide of the German Bishops’ Conference. Only one diocese has, so far, declared that it will hold back on implementing the new guide allowing, in individual cases, Protestant spouses of Catholics…

Sex Abuse Cover-Up Surfaces in Austria under Scandal-Plagued Bishop

More and more evidence is coming out about Bishop Alois Schwarz, the former Austrian bishop of Gurk-Klagenfurt who is now the new bishop of St. Pölten. Reports claim that he covered up for an abusive deacon and for a morally corrupt priest. The Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt’s new diocesan administrator is losing no time in his…

German Bishops Publish Confidential CDF Letter As Sent to Them on 10 April 2018

When yesterday finally publishing their controversial intercommunion guidelines, the German bishops also published eight documents related to the discussion with Rome about this text. Among them is the first letter written by the Chief of Doctrine, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, which was sent early on in the conflict, on 10 April 2018, as a response to…

Copyright EWTN / Paul Badde

German Bishops Publish Intercommunion Handout with a Rhetorical Trick

Photo courtesy Paul Badde (EWTN) Today, the German bishops have published their very controversial pastoral handout which allows Protestant spouses of Catholics, in certain cases, to receive Holy Communion. Since Pope Francis, on 21 June, objected to a national bishops’ conference publishing such an official text, the German bishops now simply declare, as if by…

Opposition Mounts to Intercommunion; Canonist Says Pope Has Made a “Complete Mess”

The 21 June papal remarks concerning the German bishops’ handout allowing some Protestant spouses of Catholics to receive Holy Communion have caused a strong reaction from several parties, including a German canonist/ Professor Thomas Schüller, a professor of canon law at the University of Münster, says that the Pope and his dicasteries have created a “pastoral patchwork”…

Cdl. Brandmüller Sets Record Straight Concerning the German Intercommunion Handout

In light of the 21 June remarks by Pope Francis concerning the German intercommunion handout allowing some Protestant spouses of Catholics to receive Holy Communion, Cardinal Brandmüller reminds Catholics now of the fundamental principles involved in this matter. He reminds us that there are only few cases of dire emergency where Christians of the Eastern…

Cardinal Schönborn Backtracks on the Possibility of Female Priests and Bishops

The Austrian cardinal just gave an interview to an Austrian TV channel in which he now claims that the ordination of female priests is not permissible. However, women might somehow still be admitted to the first stage of sacramental ordination: namely, the diaconate. Speaking (at minute 34) with a journalist from the TV channel…

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