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Bishop Morlino’s Move to Ad Orientem Masses in Madison

This past weekend the Most Reverend Robert Morlino, Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin made an announcement of great liturgical importance. Going forward His Excellency will be offering all of his Masses at the Cathedral ad orientem. Make no mistake about it, this is a major development on the liturgical landscape of American Catholicism.…


I have just endured the worst week of my life. While the personal nature of what is happening still demands that I remain non-specific about the problem, it is fair to say that my wife and I have experienced more turmoil, upheaval, division, betrayal, and hurt than we would have previously thought possible. The subsequent emotional roller coaster…

French Diocesan Priests Call Faithful to join SSPX Rosary Crusade

L’Homme Nouveau, the official distributor of the French version of the Vatican’s newspaper Osservatore Romano, has published a call to join the SSPX’s Rosary Crusade (to which OnePeterFive also has given its support). This new initiative – which has been already picked up by various other websites in France – now comes from diocesan priests…

German Priest Shortage Used as Pretext To Undermine Priestly Celibacy

As has been recently reported, Germany now has to face the effects of the lowest numbers of newly ordained Catholic priests ever attentively recorded. In 2015, there were only 58 new priests ordained for nearly 24 million German Catholics. This fact has caused the well-known German journalist Alexander Kissler to wonder whether such a shortage…

The Terror and Joy of Worship: A Photo Essay (Part I)

Editor’s note: we received this photo essay before the devastating earthquakes that have recently afflicted Italy, and have damaged the Basilica of St. Benedict in Norcia. As the monks of Norcia pause to regroup and rebuild, we present this work as a reflection and reminder of the profound beauty and goodness of the traditional Benedictine monastic…

Pope Emeritus Benedict’s Ongoing Support of the Francis Papacy

Last week saw yet another instance of Pope Emeritus Benedict giving an interview and insisting upon his unconditional support of Pope Francis and his work. EWTN reported on 28 August 2016 about this new statement of the former pope as follows: Speaking about Pope Francis, Benedict said that obedience to his successor “was never in…

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