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The Loneliness of Christ at the Cross

Editor’s Note: This article written by Maike Hickson has been originally published in Lent of 2015 by Professor Roberto de Mattei on the Italian website Corrispondenza Romana. Subsequently, it was republished in German on Giuseppe Nardi’s website and in English on a smaller website in the U.S – by the now-deceased Father Peter Carota, may he rest in peace. Since it has not yet been widely distributed in the English language, we thought to post it here for its obvious relevance to the current Church crisis.

In the current shifting state of the Catholic Church’s ambiguous disorders, some Catholic families, and individual Catholics too, feel an unmistakable agony over the sad fact (and indeed a psychological fact) that they have few people with whom they can even talk about these matters with a wholehearted candor and in depth. And this form of trial is especially the case if one also wants to take action: to consider a cooperative, engaged and active resistance to some of the things that are unfaithfully now coming out of Rome. In this challenging situation and individual probation of character there often seems to occur a growing “isolation of the human soul” and thus an enervating and dispiriting loneliness. And this trial inclines us to consider afresh the loneliness of Christ Himself, not only in His final Passion, but also in those other portions of  His Life amongst us in His own Sensitively Passible Sacred Humanity. Those who fully believe that “the Incarnation happened,” also fittingly affirm that “God has a Human Heart.” And He intimately knows of the agony that we may also now have in our hearts—and also knows if we have it for the right reasons.

After publishing my own [2014] Open Letter to Pope Francis—where I expressed my own resistance against the novel ideas coming from Rome concerning marriage and the family—several of our family’s friends called us or came to talk to us in person, telling us about their sense of being lost in the face of a Pope (with a small group of Cardinals surrounding him) who seems to want to change the Unchangeable: to alter Irreformable Moral Doctrines, and maybe even to subvert some defined Dogmas of the Faith. They have come to this conclusion after Pope Francis’ explicit support of Cardinal Kasper’s proposal to admit “remarried” couples to Holy Communion,” after the shocking “Mid-term Report” of the Synod of Bishops of last October [2014], which was approved beforehand by the Pope, and by Pope Francis’ own words in the interview with La Naćion (Dec. 2014), where he said that admitting these “remarried” divorcees to Holy Communion is not the solution alone, but that they have to be fully integrated in the life of the Church and be able to become God parents and Lectors at Holy Masses.

Nonetheless, some of our other Catholic friends said: “But a Pope cannot do that.” Or: “God will surely not allow it.” After such denials or evasions, another friend told us about her resultant sense of loneliness, since almost none of her Catholic friends wants to face this unsettling situation, and most of them would rather avoid this topic altogether. (Yet, should we not all act, as if the Holy Ghost would want to use US as His instrument to prevent such a possible disastrous destruction of the Faith?)

After having sent out to a few friends my own public act of resistance and cri de coeur to the Pope, I felt nearly the same. For, only a few the friends and acquaintances even responded to my letter. And most of the responses commented on my sincerity, not at all on the specific substance of the Letter.

What is troubling in this fact is that there seems to be a certain lack of robust willingness to fight for Christ, and an inclination not to want to resist any equivocal development that comes right out of Rome. It seems to be even more uncomfortable for them to make that further step of resisting a pope directly and forthrightly.

Yes, that is what still troubles me. Where is the sustained outcry from the loyal Catholic world at the gathering onslaught against Christ and His irreformable teaching? Do we not owe Him so much, so sacrificially much, to the extent that we feel obliged to act in concert and intelligently? And are we not even honored to be able to defend Him? As many of us know, the attack on the marriage and the family and the little children is finally an attack on the Divinity of Christ Himself. It is, after all, His Teaching that is regarded now to be out-of-date,  too strict, too unrealistic, too inflexible, too uncharitable, even if the advocates of these proposed reforms would not quite put it in that way. But such a disjunctive “evolution of doctrine” is implied.

Finally, indeed, the attack on the Church’s longstanding doctrine on marriage and the family—hence the protection and education of the  vulnerable children  unto Eternal Life—is an attack on Christ Himself and His Redemptive Mission for our now-possible Salvation under Grace.

To what extent, and how soon, are we going to stand up and defend Him and His Teaching and instructive Example?

While on my walks some ten years ago around the hills and paths of the Swiss Pilgrimage Shrine of the Nativity of Mary at St. Pelagiberg  (near Sankt Gallen)—during my gradual conversion to the Catholic Faith—I suddenly discovered the following inscription written in Gothic Script on a Field Cross along the path, and it was beneath the sheltered presentation of Our Lord on His Crucifix:

“This I did for you. And what do you do for me?” (“Das tat ich für dich. Und was tust du für mich?”)

These incisive and very piercing words confused and troubled me at the time – because I did not then yet have our supernatural faith – but, more and more over the years these words have touched my heart; and this inscription, dare I say it?, inspires me now. For, I regard it to be a special time in Church history to be able to be part of a doctrinal and moral struggle that is not only a matter of integrity, but also so fundamentally serious and which goes to the very roots of our Faith.

Many have gone before us and have fought this kind of fight, people with such a fervent love for Christ that it made them wince when they saw His words trampled upon and besmirched and mocked: especially His words about our More Abundant Life, our possible Eternal Salvation, and the Glorified Kingdom of His Father. These fervent and loyal disciples called aloud in manifold ways when Rome appeared to mingle promiscuously with other religions both in prayer and in festive song, as if Our Lord’s words did not matter any more and were not still to be our standard: “No man cometh to the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6) In their diligence, these loyal disciples of the Lord sat down and wrote studies – just as some courageous and  good Cardinals have recently done about the matter of the family and sacramental marriage – in defense of Christ’s Truth and with the intention of helping us  to remain in that Truth. And with our Loyal Love.

These Catholics who have gone before us should still be honored by us. They will one day perhaps even be counted among the Saints. For, they were attentively perceptive and woke up early to the subversive disorders in doctrine and the moral order; and they had to face just the same kinds of derision and loneliness that some of us are now more hesitant to face: the isolating loneliness. Loneliness in the battle. Loneliness in the heart. Our questions:  Where are those expected and  cooperative comrades who still receive daily Our Lord in Holy Communion, who have received His other fortifying Sacraments  and have regularly received the Sacrament of Penance and even pray the Rosary every day? When will they also give Him back what is still owed in action and in what Jean Ousset called “doctrinal action”? Lest our inaction become a culpable omission—the sluggishness and inner unrest of spiritual sloth or of passive quietism.

Now is the time to act in certain truly prudent ways—as the first cardinal virtue should teach us—and in a timely and intelligently decisive way, before it is too little too late. The Catholic authorities in Rome must see and feel the ardent earnestness of the Catholic resistance and effective indignation that is loyal to Christ.

“How dare you to want to change God’s Laws!?” some of us might want to vociferate! “Do you think that human nature has changed since God laid down His Laws—His “Manufacturer’s Instructions” to make things work well and better?”

How must Christ Himself have felt when He walked upon this earth, in comparison to what we poor sinners feel in our weakness. He gave so much, all of Himself, and even unto the end. But even before His final and mortal Passion, He healed bodies and souls, He loved the Little Ones, He cried for the death of His friend, he had wonder at the faith and trust of the pagan Centurion, He had pity again and again on the maimed and impurely vulnerable, He instructed and He rebuked, not only the hypocrites and the defiling money-changers and the scandalizers of the Little Ones.

And in the end, in the final test, many still did not understand Him and many even walked away and left him (except, of course, for Our Lady and Saint John and Saint  Mary Magdalene and a few other loyal women). He was largely alone. O, how alone must He have felt in His Sacred Humanity, hanging there on the Cross. So derided and so ignored. The preceding Gethsemane trials may even have tempted Him almost utterly, not only by suggesting the futility of  His approaching Sacrifice, but also by tempting Him even to  abandon His Redemptive Mission that would merit the salvation of man. These are deep and unsearchable mysteries. As G.K. Chesterton even once said: “Man must not tempt God; but God may (and can) tempt God.”

It nearly seems that the same might soon happen with the Passion and Loneliness of His Church – or perhaps, it is already perceptibly happening to His Mystical Body on earth – His Church Militant. “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me [My Church]?” (Acts 22:7) Is He already stripped of His garments? Did He already fall for the third time?

Within my own grave limitations of knowledge and understanding, I do not think He is already hanging on the Cross. But perhaps that will come, too, and soon. For sure, Christ is hunted again, even as He was at His birth.

So, therefore, for all of us who sometimes have this agony of loneliness in our struggles to attain and sustain a greater fidelity to Christ, and thus to include the struggle for the conversion and grace-filled salvation of souls – let us more fully try to unite ourselves here with Him and His beloved Mother. Let us unite ourselves with the Loneliness of Christ at the Cross and the Com-Passion of Our Blessed Mother. And, as was the case on Good Friday and on Holy Saturday, when the lights seemed nearly to go out, may we attentively await and robustly trust and hope for His Resurrection in the more abundant Life of Grace of His Militant Mystical Body still supra terram. “What we have is Nature; what we need is Grace.” (Father John A. Hardon, S.J.)

(Maike Hickson would like to dedicate this re-published text to Dom Gregor Hesse (R.I.P), Brother Francis M.I.C.M. (R.I.P.), Arnaud de Lassus (R.I.P), Anthony S. Fraser (R.I.P), and John Vennari.)

Update: There occurred an error by calling Professor de Mattei the author of this article; the error has been now discovered and corrected; Maike Hickson ist the author of this article. 

26 thoughts on “The Loneliness of Christ at the Cross”

  1. “Now is the time to act in certain truly prudent ways—as the first cardinal virtue should teach us—and in a timely and intelligently decisive way, before it is too little too late. The Catholic authorities in Rome must see and feel the ardent earnestness of the Catholic resistance and effective indignation that is loyal to Christ.”

    Well, yes…and many here and at the Remnant and other faithful blogs have, over the growingly painful years of the Francis pontificate, remarked on the fact that such “certain truly prudent ways…and in a timely and intelligently decisive way” are not easily discernible in the midst of a Church most of whose putative shepherds appear to be either themselves corrupted with Modernism or afraid to rock the boat. The four brave Cardinals of the Dubia stand isolated out on their limb, with so few voices publicly raised in their defense that the renegades now in control of the Holy See merely grow ever bolder in their depredations. Admonitions to await the results of hoped-for private fraternal correction of the unfolding disaster are, in my view, nothing but wishful thinking. Francis and his henchmen are not going to heed anything short of widespread resistance from the bishops and Cardinals. Those who already have imbibed the Modernist Kool-Aid may be beyond our reach, but the unknown number of silent bishops who still believe in the Faith of our fathers will remain silent unless they know there are faithful laity who will support them in calling out the usurpers of Christ’s Church.

    Thus I would, if I could, respectfully ask the good Professor for a few suggestions as to “concrete” things (the favorite term of the moral relativists) we lay faithful might do in addition to the obvious spiritual things in which we all should be engaged already. For I truly fear the real answer is that there are not enough of us to cause any bishop to stand up in his canoe and shout “Stop!”

    • “For I truly fear the real answer is that there are not enough of us to cause any bishop to stand up in his canoe and shout “Stop!”

      And that is why, perhaps, things will get worse for our Church. The contrasts between pure evil and good will grow greater and i do believe there shall be more bishops who speak, not as a collective amoeba, but each shall put his name and direct attention to the specific evil.
      Alas, it will be the laity, as you stated, who will show them the way by our witness, always guided in prayer by the Holy Spirit.
      Not because of our own righteousness, but for our love of Christ and His Church.
      There will be some things, we, as the faithful will say, ” NO! I just cannot accept this or that from my priest, my bishop, my child’s Catholic school, etc…. What I am trying to express, is that I think, that this loneliness we may be experiencing, is a calling of our souls to love Christ more and please Him more.
      That, is all we can do. And that will be enough, I pray for our Lord to aide us and His people at this time.

      Cardinal Burke and the other supportive cardinals seem to be a forgotten moment. But they are not.
      For God saw. But due to the enormity of evil, I think it will take a far greater witness of sacrifice by all. It is only just.

    • No, it is the responsibility of the Bishops to stand up and lead the laity. Jesus told Peter, “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.” He gave clear instructions to us all, We lambs and sheep are isolated and dotted about here and there. My husband and I, of all our friends and relatives, know nobody who sees AND cares what is happening to our beloved Church. I am struggling to accept the terrible loneliness and discouragement I feel at watching the indifference of people who I truly believed loved Jesus. Individuals are nothing in the face of such apathy and ignorance. But the Bishops are doing what Peter did when Our Lord was arrested. And the lambs and sheep have scattered. Who is at the foot of the cross? We few. The only way to bear the loneliness and betrayal is to unite ourselves to the Will of the Father as Jesus did. “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” It’s the struggle of a lifetime.

      • The ordained bishops, who were the given the authority by almighty God to defend the faith and lead the flock have greatly failed. And they shall have to answer for this as well.
        All we, as the laity can do, is stay strong and resolute in our faith and not succumb to what is not of our Lord or for Him! We are like the calvary, holding the fort, while the drunken lieutenant fails to lead against the enemy. But, we must hold the fort. That is the our duty right now, in spite of poor and cowardly leadership. May our sense of loneliness be made holy and be changed in to merely ” being alone”.
        There is a difference.

        Your last sentence says it all. We may never live to see the fruits of our pleasing the Father as He desires, but that is not so important. It is in uniting our will to His that only truly matters.
        Our Father in Heaven will take care of the rest.

      • I join many of you in your pain and loneliness at the foot of the cross. As we go through Lent, I wonder how many who participate in the services are there in faith, mind, body and spirit?
        When I look at the cross I feel a great love for the Son of God who gave all that we may find salvation. How are we repaying that supreme sacrifice? with indifference, and an unwillingness to stand up in defense of Christ’s teaching.
        How hypocritical we have become, though we know full well the penalty of our hypocrisy – that God, the Supreme Judge, will turn away from those who have betrayed His only begotten Son.

    • “For I truly fear the real answer is that there are not enough of us to cause any bishop to stand up in his canoe and shout “Stop!””
      No. Every cardinal, bishop, priest even if he is a very last living man on earth should and must open his mouth and shout ‘stop!’ to any heresy in his Church. They can never depend on lay people or their ‘support’.
      On the other side, there are here in the last few years more than enough faithful lay people who are screaming to do that for the sake of Heaven.
      They are certainly not alone. Even without lay people, there are not alone. If they are with Christ and for Christ, than is Christ always with them. And the all heavenly army with all saints and angels.

    • Excellent reflection on the overwhelming loneliness of Our Lord. Thank you.

      “And he saith to them: My soul is sorrowful even unto death; stay you here, and watch.” Mark 14:34

      “And Jesus saith to him: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20

  2. This article beautifully summarizes the agony and frustration that so many of us are living. What can I do? Should I be speaking out? Is my silence cowardice? Betrayal? As the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ is publicly wounded by the offenses, sacrileges and indifferences of so many of the Apostolic successors, both in Rome and throughout the world, what should I be doing?
    In my own circle of family, friends and even business associates (Catholic and non-Catholic), the subject of the current pontificate with its disturbing agendas, shocking affiliations and scandalous associations invariably arises. But the subject is quickly shut down with a statement like “We need to pray more” or “I’ve never prayed for a pope as much as I’ve prayed for this one”.
    And, even though we don’t talk about it, I’ve noticed concrete responses being deliberately made by individuals and families. A friend has decided that he will only kneel when receiving our Lord in Holy Communion and he isn’t shy about telling people how this little act of humility is awakening in him a deeper love of Our Lord. Now others are following his example. Another response has come from several family members who have decided to take their families to the Traditional Latin Mass (in most cases this is the first time that any of them has ever attended TLM) because, as they say “we need to reverence more Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament”. A group from a local parish started a daily rosary conference call to pray for the Church and the country. The group which started with 5 participants has grown to over 35. I could go on…
    Each day that we hear those in the highest positions of the Church say “I do not even know the man”; Our Lord is giving us the grace of His challenge: “Do you love me…? Do you love me…? Do you really love me…?”
    And until they start passing out the pitchforks and torches…
    I will get myself to the foot of His cross and pray…”Jesus I surrender myself to you, I trust in you, I love you, have mercy on me and all poor sinners”.

    • The very quotation that struck you, dear Maike, is very similar to one that has inspired me for many years. It is, “I gave My life for Thee. What hast thou done for me?” Your blessed article brought tears to my eyes for I have felt everything you describe here and, in addition, been crowned with the knowledge that a share in His sufferings is His own gift to us. When we receive Him in Holy Communion, He as much as says to us, “I give you My Self.” This was told to me by Brother Gregory, MICM, many years ago, and this identity we share with Him – this unearned privilege, is the gift we return to Him. To be able to share in this agony of His Bride, in this moment in history, is to receive the very kiss of Christ. See how Caryll Houselander expresses her thought: “Lo, there He hangs, ashened figure – Pinioned against the wood. God grant that I might love Him even as I should. I draw a little closer to share that Love Divine; I hear Him softly murmur “Ah, foolish child of Mine. If I should bend to whisper, My thorns would pierce thy head, and if I should embrace thee, My hands would stain thee red.” T’was then I learned in meekness that Love demands a price. T’was then I knew that sorrow is but the kiss of Christ.” Thank you, Maike. You have been deeply touched too.

  3. I totally agree with what Maike writes here. She is an awesome writer.

    I think it is time for us lay people to act boldly and in a big way. I e mailed a few sources to ask why can’t we put an advert in the New York
    Times or march and deliver a petition to the papal legate or…. what? We need to state boldly that this pope is out of line with the magisterium and needs to resign.
    We keep chit chatting about what the cardinals ought to do but Maike is right… the lay people should also be rising up in defense of
    the Church. It’s not fair to expect Cardinal Burke et al to be the only protagonists. There’s been a lot of criticism of the bishops etc but how can we,
    the laity, organize in a serious way to let the world know that this is not right and the pope needs to move out?
    My ideas might not be the most efficacious ones but what can we do to a) defend the truth and b) pressure the pope to leave? I’m open to anything at this point. It’s time to rise up boldly AS LAY PEOPLE in defense of the Church but how ?

  4. What is troubling in this fact is that there seems to be a certain lack of robust willingness to fight for Christ

    And that sums it up.

  5. Just as an example of speaking boldly. A decade ago a local priest was performing gay marriages in front of the tabernacle. The local bishop at the time had ignored complaints about this priest for years. Finally, in desperation, the lay people called the local media and picketed a gay wedding inside their church and guess what? Once it was all over the local (and national) news, the bishop moved and the “weddings” halted overnight. Done deal.
    People say don’t wash the Church’s laundry in public but when the bishop’s washing machine is unplugged, it may be the only way to get the job done.

    A friend in Italy called me today saying he is so disgusted by Archbishop Pagalia’s homoerotic mural in the church in Umbria, he is thinking of calling a press conference under the mural to demand the bishop (who has ignored complaints) remove it from the Church. (Pagalia is the archbishop recently promoted by the pope to yet another pontifical academy). I told him “Go for it!”

    I wonder if it is time for some Catholic lay leaders to meet with the press and say “We are sheep without a shepherd; we need a pope!”
    If the bishops know the laity are fed up it might embolden them also? Or console them ?

    • I cannot believe that the Paglia mural is still there, let alone tolerated, in his church and so close to the Tabernacle, It is horrifying. It was painted in 2007 why is it still there and what are those Catholics in the congregation thinking of? At my age I thought I’d seen everything and was fairly shockproof, but suddenly coming across that mural on facebook and the disgusting inclusion of Paglia and his friend Lombardi in various states of undress and reading about how proud they were to think that Jesus was taking them to Heaven to carry on their disgusting ways there I have to admit I lost it! Big time. I just cannot believe that Paglia disrespected Our Blessed Lord so publicly and so deeply by not only by producing that monstrosity, but by placing it where the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus are resting. It is beyond heartbreaking.

  6. I was hoping to go to Rome during my retirement, but sadly, I have no desire to go anymore. Peter’s pence and any charity centered at the vatican gets zero $ from me.

  7. When I hear the many things coming out of the Vatican from the liberal prelates and even from Pope Francis, over and over and over again, I feel so depressed sometimes and ask the Lord till when will He make us suffer thus and not intervene to set things right. When will the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary occur, when will the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus be established in the Church, when will He stop these prelates from overcoming the Vatican with their liberal and satanic agenda, till when will these prelates mock the Lord by mocking His teachings and get away from it? Then I see that Christ could bear his passion and death for only two reasons: first out of his love for us and second for the definite hope of the glory of his resurrection from the dead on the third day. We await with hope, the coming of the Great Pope who will sit on the See of Peter to set all wrong things right and bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus upon the Church. Other than that hope everything is so depressing today in the Church, especially the words and actions of Pope Francis

  8. Our grateful thanks to Maike Hickson for this poignant article. It sums up what many of us are feeling during this Lenten season. These past 3 years have been increasingly painful as this pope has unpacked his socialist agenda to dismantle the Catholic Church.

    From the very beginning I knew something was very amiss when PF demoted C. Burke, and instead chose very liberal clergy as synod fathers.

    Most of these clergy have now come out of the closet pushing for Holy Communion to those in sinful relationships, PF’s celebration of Martin Luther (a heretic), and his alliance with the evil George Soros and the Clinton camp.

    In a dire situation like the present one, I recall the advice of Bishop Gracida. I share it with you:

    Laity, Rise Up! A shepherd exhorts the sheep

  9. Dear Maike, I woke up today feeling exactly like this. And then I read your essay. I felt as though you had read my thoughts and had written this just for me, though I’m sure that millions of others feel the same. Your essay reads as an impassioned prayer for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, a battle cry for all those who seek to be faithful to our Lord Jesus.

    “Where is the sustained outcry from the loyal Catholic world at the gathering onslaught against Christ and His irreformable teaching?” Indeed. Imagine if all the priests or bishops or laity in the world–or a significant portion of them–stood up for the standard of Christ’s Gospel, wouldn’t the Church hierarchy have to sit up and pay attention? Whatever happens, this tribulation is separating the sheep from the goats. And whatever happens, silence in the face of lies and compromises is not becoming of Christ’s faithful.

  10. “I do not think He is already hanging on the Cross. But perhaps that will come, too, and soon.”

    Many years ago, (possibly forty or more), I saw a young South Korean Jesuit speaking about the Church’s resistance to severe government harassment. When asked if he understood that his actions could cost him his life, he replied: “Christ suffered and died for the people, and if the Church cannot be seen to do the same, then its existence is useless.”
    The Church is the Body of Christ on earth. It is her destiny to follow in the footsteps of her Divine Master, to her ascend her Calvary, be nailed to the Cross and be put to death. And like her Christ, whose Passion and Death were only made possible by means of a betrayal by an insider, in this also, the Church’s own passion and crucifixion is only possible through betrayal by the Judases within her ranks. And they are legion. And after her apparent demise, like her Christ, she will be gloriously resurrected and made ready to receive her Heavenly Bridegroom at the conclusion of history.

    Neither do I believe that she is, as yet, hanging on the cross. But from hereon in, events will take place at an accelerating rate. She has already been judged and sentenced by the Sanhedrin of the world. She has been scourged by the unfathomable scandals caused by the moral corruption of vast numbers of her priests, bishops and even cardinals. The Pilates of the political order have washed their hands of her. I believe that she has shouldered her cross, and has now reached the summit of her Calvary. How long before the nails are driven in? I don’t know, but my instinct is that it won’t be long. The enemies of Christ must act very quickly, because they have very little time left.

    Many of us feel a desperate need to stand, united and resolute, inspired and encouraged by the heroic leadership of the Vicar of Christ and the Successors of the Apostles, in the face of this relentless assault by the world. But how is this possible when the the Vicar of Christ, and many bishops and priests, seem to have thrown in their lot with the other side. The dark side.

    Has the cock crowed yet, and if so, how many times? And what will Peter’s response be this time?

  11. As we hang on this cross here today,
    And Bergoglio leads sheep astray,
    May Thy kingdom come,
    And Thy will be done,
    But for heaven’s sake please don’t delay!

  12. This is a beautiful article. Thank you very much! Binding ourselves with and offering up the loneliness of Jesus to the Father with love, gratitude, and blessing is an awesome devotion. I have felt that a lot of people cannot speak of what is happening at the Vatican – love of neighbor quiets the opinions. To be rebellious would be a spiritual crime. If St. Peter knew Judas Iscariot was the betrayer, Judas wouldn’t have lived long enough to betray Christ – So, for real, now we are beginning to know the Cross – we cannot do much right now and can only have a hope against hope that our sufferings and loneliness of pain will be heard by the Father in Heaven who is the only one who can bring about a change. We really need Him to change this scandal. Mary our Queen of Heaven is listening very closely. We are in another tragic episode of the Catholic Church it seems — yet for the faithful – Jesus is right here within and among us more strongly than before because no pope can separate us from God’s love for us.

  13. It is very simple.
    Vatican II is not Catholic.
    Public heretics cannot be Pope, by Divine Law, otherwise the gates of hell would have prevailed when the changes were made.
    The only answer is to stick with those who refused to go along with Vatican II: those who held fast to the doctrines and tradition, unchanged.
    It’s a tough thing to contemplate, but the answer is clear to those who seek not to please men.

    Many are called.
    Can many realize it…


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