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Hilary White

Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him; Time For Our Own ‘Reset’?

Editor’s Note: Following a discussion of Dr. Peter Kwasniewski’s recent essay, “Preparing Now for What the Future May Hold,” 1P5 contributor Hilary White brought to my attention a piece she’d written earlier this month along the same topical lines, but from a somewhat different perspective. After reading it, I really wanted to share it with…

O Clavis David! – “For We in Prison Sit Sorrowing, Hoping For the Sun”

This post originally appeared yesterday at the author’s blog. We encourage you to visit her there, where she writes about prayer, truth, beauty, and goodness, and her work in sacred art.    The “O Antiphon” for December 20 – the Antiphon for the Magnificat for Vespers of the day –  “Key of David”. “…To open the blind eyes, to bring out…

A Different, More Terrifying Cosmos: Our Brave New Lovecraftian World

In his most recent podcast, Steve Skojec described the obviously deliberate games of ambiguity of the Bergoglian pontificate as a “Lovecraftian puzzle game”. “Francis is a monster of ambiguity and insinuation, making him a walking Rorschach test. Trying to pin down what he actually says or does often feels like the kind of Lovecraftian puzzle…

To See Truly Integrated Catholic Life, Look to Gubbio’s Festa of St. Ubaldo

Integralism is a word that gets argued over a great deal among the American Catholic Twitterati. A lot of them are still having their old dispute over the limits of the Church with regard to the State, that never-ending problem of “who’s boss” between the American Constitution and the pope. But the word “integralism,” understood…

heralds of the gospel

Vatican Investigates Heralds of the Gospel: A Cautionary Tale

Cognitive dissonance: You can’t play Catholic in NuChurch Since the opening weeks of the Amazon Synod, we are presented with increasing evidence that, for the time being, at least, the Catholic organization that wants to stay completely free to practice the religion of its forefathers must have as little as possible to do with the…

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