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Hilary White

scalfari francis

Pope’s Scalfari Message Is for Italians (Not for You)

People on various internet platforms are still expressing their dismay and confusion over the pope’s alleged denial of the divinity of Christ, as conveyed by the Italian journalist and former politician, Eugenio Scalfari. We are certainly at a disadvantage when trying to suss out what the pope “means” by the often strange things he says.…

russian orthodox cathedral

You Don’t Need to Go Ortho: Every Good Thing They Have Is Already Ours

We’ve been hearing it a lot: “Should I just quit paying attention to the apparent collapse of the Catholic institution and become Orthodox?” I’d like to start with the unequivocal assertion that this is a temptation to the grave sin of schism. Don’t do it. Also, as we will see below, it’s a bit of…

Dominican Nuns in Tuscany vs. the Vatican, with Help from the Locals

Late in June, we received a warning from a village on the edge of Tuscany that yet another religious house with the wrong sort of mindset was facing the now dreaded prospect of a Vatican “visitator.” The contemplative Dominican monastery of Marradi, the spiritual heart of the little mountain town for over four centuries, is…

How to Become a Great, Wonderworking, Levitating, Bilocating, Ecstatic-Vision-Having Saint

Sanctification: Neither as easy nor as impractical as we think Many people are wondering how to handle the current crisis in the Church, what they can do in practical terms, in a situation that seems increasingly apocalyptic and completely out of their hands. We’ve been dissatisfied with the answers we’ve had so far from the…

What is the Catholic Religion Actually For? A Monastic Answer

Do we really know when this “crisis” started? Many of those concerned about our ongoing – and suddenly calamitously escalating – crisis look mainly back to the last 50 years for causes; it is certainly undeniable that the period immediately following Vatican II has seen the most precipitous drop in the relevant statistics in our…

Ravens and Saints

I seem to be developing a particular love and admiration for our corvid friends lately, with a pair of clever and beautiful magpies visiting my garden in Norcia quite regularly and huge numbers of crows and ravens in that ancient valley. It struck me a while ago just how frequently they appear in Christian history…

Understanding Pope Francis: The Need for a New Narrative Framework

(Image: Left to Right, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio; General Jorge Videla, dictator of Argentina from 1976 to 1981) “Jorge Mario Bergoglio… has been a staunch supporter of  US imperial interests in Latin America for more than 30 years.”  “…one of the main supporters… of Argentina’s military dictatorship which came to power in a CIA supported…

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