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New Book Honoring Benedict XVI Includes Essay from Defender of “Remarriage”

On 1 April 2017, OnePeterFive reported that Pope Francis chose Professor Anne-Marie Pelletier to write this year’s Via Crucis Meditations which will be read on Good Friday by the pope himself at the Colosseum in Rome. Pelletier was a speaker at the highly controversial May 2015 Day of Study at the Pontifical Gregorian University in…

On Married Priests, Cardinal Kasper Says Pope Wants Proposals from Bishops’ Conferences

Today, the German Bishops’ official website,, published an interview with Cardinal Walter Kasper on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his own priestly ordination. In this context, the German cardinal also made some significant statements regarding the question of the viri probati — that is to say, on the ordination of married and morally…

Pope Praises Controversial Maltese Bishops Guidelines

During the 2014 and 2015 synods on marriage and the family, the issue that rose to greatest prominence and concern was the so-called “Kasper Proposal” — a pastoral allowance suggested by Cardinal Walter Kasper of Germany that would create provisions to give the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion to Catholics who are divorced and living…

Rome Grants SSPX Conditional Faculties to Celebrate Marriage

Under Pope Francis, Rome has moved with surprising haste to take concrete steps to bring the Society of St. Pius X  closer to a regularized canonical situation. While SSPX Masses have always been seen as valid (though of questionable liceity), other sacraments offered by priests of the society which require jurisdiction from the local ordinary —…

An Important 22 April Conference in Rome Will Discuss the Confusion Stemming from Amoris Laetitia

An important Conference has been announced today by the Italian website La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. On 22 April, there will be an international group of theologians and other Catholic specialists coming together in Rome — at the Columbus Hotel — in order to discuss publicly once more the troubling and confusing parts that are to…

Pope Francis Asks Defender of the “Remarried” Divorcees to Write the Good Friday Meditations

Yesterday, 31 March, it became widely known that Pope Francis has chosen Anne-Marie Pelletier, a French Professor of hermeneutics and biblical exegesis, to write the meditations for the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum on Good Friday which will be read by the pope himself. The author of this year’s Via Crucis Meditations was…

Are Some Knights of Malta Trying to Silence the Catholic Press?

In my summary of newly-alleged details about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s inner workings, I concluded with this statement: Are we expected to believe this is all just a series of coincidences? Rumor has it that some of the players in this story are…aggressively litigious, so perhaps we’re not supposed to ask. It appears…

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