Pope Paul VI Promoted Communion on the Tongue
"This method of distributing holy communion [on the tongue] must be retained," because it ensures reverence to the Eucharist "more effectively." -Paul VI
"This method of distributing holy communion [on the tongue] must be retained," because it ensures reverence to the Eucharist "more effectively." -Paul VI
Little things we do every day can transform our lives. Over time, these little things become habits. Good habits change us for the better; bad habits, for the worse. In past articles, I’ve encouraged daily mental prayer, the Rosary, and other prayer habits that can be practiced throughout the day. Today, I’ll continue this theme…
Editor’s note: the following is not a sponsored post or advertisement. When William Bloomfield told us about this project, we thought it would be of potential benefit to our readers and asked him to share it with you. In recent months, I’ve been editing The Life of St. Philip Neri by Fr. Bacci for republication as…
Fifty years ago, in anticipation of the First Sunday of Advent of 1966, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence. Most American Catholics today are not familiar with the Statement itself, but we are familiar with its general effect: the loosening of norms for Catholics regarding fasting and…
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit and chat with a saint? Then I commend to you the new book, With God in America, featuring the writings of Servant of God Walter Ciszek, S.J....
The Deadly Sin of Anger Anger, or wrath, or rage, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identified anger as a violation of the 5th Commandment and as endangering one’s eternal soul: “You have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall not kill;…
How Can I Help the Team? This summer, I coached my oldest son’s baseball team. These seven- and eight-year-old boys were very much still learning the game; so in addition to teaching them basic skills of hitting, catching, and throwing, one of my main tasks was teaching them mental focus. That is, I couldn’t have…
Competing to Win Years ago, as a basketball camp counselor, I was assigned to room with another counselor. He was a few years younger than I; he was also black, taller, stronger, and far more athletic than I. At the time, I might have dismissed his superior physique and athleticism as genetics and talent. His…
As most internet-connected Catholics are now aware, Cardinal Robert Sarah recently encouraged priets and bishops to begin celebrating Mass ad orientem. He also specifically suggested that they begin this Advent. This is an excellent proposal. And judging from the backlash it has already inspired, I think it’s important that we communicate to our bishops our…
In past articles, I have explored the benefits of mental prayer and developing good habits to help you pray throughout the day. Today, I’ll emphasize another form of prayer that should be part of your daily devotions: the Rosary. And as May is the Month of Mary, now is an excellent time to renew your commitment…
Is your prayer life stuck in a rut? It’s time to reconsider your habits. Developing healthy prayer habits can make all the difference. Here are some important practices and habits I’ve learned in recent years–I wish someone would have taught me these when I was a boy. But it’s never too late to learn or to develop…