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Knights of Malta

Leaked Report of Cardinal Burke Audience Reveals Background on Malta Crisis

Today, 28 April, the Austrian Catholic website has published an important report written by a Maltese Knight about a recent audience with Cardinal Raymond Burke in which the (“de facto suspended“) Cardinal Patron revealed much of the background of the current crisis in the Order. Burke, who has not spoken publicly on the matter himself,…

Pope Approves Order Barring Former Knights of Malta Grand Master From His Own Order’s Elections in Rome

Over the past few months, we’ve covered the saga of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta rather extensively. If you’re unfamiliar with the main events surrounding this thousand-year-old chivalric Catholic order toppled by Pope Francis, this summary is probably the best place to start. To recap: since that summary was written, several additional events of…

Cardinal Burke on the Dubia, Malta, Freemasons, Pope Francis, & President Trump

Yesterday, 10 April, the excellent Spanish website,, published the text and video of a lengthy interview with Cardinal Raymond Burke in which the prelate makes many significant and courageous statements. (Our colleague in Germany, Giuseppe Nardi, has already made a report on it in German.) In the following, we present some of the most…

Are Some Knights of Malta Trying to Silence the Catholic Press?

In my summary of newly-alleged details about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s inner workings, I concluded with this statement: Are we expected to believe this is all just a series of coincidences? Rumor has it that some of the players in this story are…aggressively litigious, so perhaps we’re not supposed to ask. It appears…

In Defense of Cardinal Burke: Italian Journalist Publishes Parts of Pope Francis’ Own 1 December 2016 Letter to His Prelate

Many Catholic observers have more fully come to see in the recent days the disproportionate injustice done to Fra’ Matthew Festing, the former Grand Master of the Order of Malta, and to Cardinal Raymond L. Burke himself, the Cardinal Patron of the Order, both of whom have now been effectively punished for their attempt to…

Malta Besieged: An Ancient and Sovereign Order Toppled by Rome

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta — known as “the Sovereign Military Order of Malta” or the “Knights of Malta” for short — is one of the Catholic Church’s oldest and most respected institutions. Founded in Jerusalem in the 11th century, the lay religious order began as…

As in the Church, A German Faction is Central to Order of Malta Crisis

While a stunned and confused Catholic audience is now watching the seeming papal takeover of the Order of Malta, there also arises now a kind of inner conflict within the ranks, especially from some more conservative or traditionalist Catholics. An introductory presentation of this manifold debate might thus be a way of bringing out more…

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