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The Confession: If You Can Betray God, Whom Would You Not Betray?

The Confession Aurelio Porfiri Chorabooks 106 pages $11.18 paperback, $6.70 Kindle Apple Books; Amazon At a moment when the seal of confession is coming under attack all over the world, Aurelio Porfiri has crafted a thrilling novel that illustrates the importance of the sacred space of the confessional for bringing evildoers to justice. This murder…

Leoncavallo, the Earthquake, and Pope Pius X

A century ago, on August 9 in Montecatini Terme, just southwest of Pistoia in north central Italy, Ruggero Leoncavallo, Neapolitan opera composer, died. His fame is linked to Pagliacci (“Clowns”), a two-act opera of 1892, which, together with Cavalleria rusticana (“Rustic Chivalry,” 1890) by Pietro Mascagni, is the most explosive reaction against Richard Wagner and…

Masonic Naturalism and the Near Occasion of Sin

The widespread acceptance of the falsehood promoted by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other influential Freemasons concerning man’s supposed natural goodness has resulted in extreme moral corruption and devastation for souls. In his premier encyclical on the secret society, Pope Leo XIII wrote, “Freemasons, having no faith in those things which we have learned by the revelation…


An Open Letter to My Bishop

Recently, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati suspended two priests from active ministry. The details surrounding both suspensions are disturbing and make clear that secrecy, corruption, and a lack of faith still prevail within the Catholic Church. Below is an open letter to my ordinary, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, regarding his handling of these suspensions. Your Excellency, I…

Only 26% of US Catholics under 40 Believe in the Real Presence, and That’s No Accident

New research from Pew published this month indicates that only 26% of US Catholics under the age of 40 believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. In his book, Index of Leading Catholic Indicators, Kenneth C. Jones cites a 1994 poll conducted by the New York Times/CBS that placed the number of…

Why Even Secular People Should Defend the Seal of Confession

A few days ago, Sandro Magister wrote an article on his widely followed blog Settimo Cielo entitled “Worldwide Attack against the Seal of Confession: Either Prison or Excommunication.” He was referring to the pillar of Catholic doctrine on sacramental confession, which holds that what is said by the penitent in the confessional — including whatever…

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