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Antonio Socci

christmas ornament desecration

A Christmas Marked by Desecration, with Bergoglio as Chief Desecrator

I had not yet seen HERE the celebration of the Pachamama with Bergoglio in front of the altar at Saint Peter’s Basilica last October 4 at the opening of the Amazon Synod. It is stunning. Now I understand why people are talking about idolatrous profanation and of the need to reconsecrate Saint Peter’s Basilica. Perhaps…

Why Even Secular People Should Defend the Seal of Confession

A few days ago, Sandro Magister wrote an article on his widely followed blog Settimo Cielo entitled “Worldwide Attack against the Seal of Confession: Either Prison or Excommunication.” He was referring to the pillar of Catholic doctrine on sacramental confession, which holds that what is said by the penitent in the confessional — including whatever…

On Evangelization and Mission, Should We Listen to Jesus (and the Church of All Time) or The Novelties of Bergoglio?

During the press conference on the airplane returning from Bangladesh on December 2, the French journalist Etienne Loraillère posed this question to Bergoglio: “Which is your priority: to evangelize or to dialogue for peace?” The response of Bergoglio – after a series of incredible absurd statements – ended with these unheard of terms: “And your…

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