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In New Book, Benedict XVI Confirms His Resignation but Clings to Confusing Theology

In the writings of the Second Vatican Council, and those of the post-conciliar popes, it’s hard not to detect a certain drift toward an increasing obscurity of language. When one goes back and reads older enyclicals, or papal bulls from prior councils, what is striking by contrast is the clarity and precision of the texts.…


The Pain of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Who Wanted to Believe

A late romantic, restless, and sentimental Russian composer, was born 180 years ago, on May 7, 1840, at Votkinsk, a town in Russia’s Ural Mountains: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840–1893). He studied composition, we read in the biography, at the St. Petersburg Conservatory with Anton Rubinstein, pianist and composer attached to German Romanticism. After earning his…

john waters

The Intelligent Catholic’s Guide to John Waters

When a maverick journalist opposes popular opinion, at least as promoted by prominent media, what happens next? For rock critic turned cultural commentator John Waters, it’s condemnation followed by self-imposed exile from Dublin’s left-liberal, bien-pensant paper-of-record, The Irish Times. This unrepentant dissident, not to be confused by Americans with Baltimore’s cult icon and iconoclastic filmmaker,…

mass items hand tongue

Bishops Cannot Mandate Communion on the Hand or Forbid Communion on the Tongue

With the gradual thawing of restrictions on public gatherings, some dioceses have begun to issue new sets of regulations for Masses. These regulations often include a stated preference for Communion in the hand or even a forbiddance of Communion on the tongue. In this article, I will demonstrate two things: first, in regard to the…


Taking the Tradpill

“You could take the blue pill. You’ll wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Or you could take the red pill. You’ll stay in Wonderland, and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole really goes.” The above quote has been immortalized in the famous award-winning movie The Matrix. The…

1P5 Podcast Ep. 65 – Jesse Romero: A Catholic Vote for Trump

On this episode we give the full hour to Jesse Romero, a former police officer turned Catholic evangelist, speaker, and author whose latest book, A Catholic Vote For Trump, seeks to make that case that the incumbent presidential candidate is the only choice in 2020 for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike. And for just 1…

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