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Nishant Xavier

The Empress of the Americas will Crush the Serpent of Abortion

Christendom Defends Her Honour In 1531, Christian Europe, thanks to the Roman Catholic Church, had enjoyed over a 1000 years of Christendom. Ever since St. Constantine the Great –  “Equal to the Apostles” – Catholic Christianity had been triumphing gloriously. In countless souls and societies of Christendom, Mary had crushed the serpent and Christ the…

The Immaculate Conception and Eastern Orthodoxy

On Dec 8, 1854, to the great rejoicing of the Holy Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope Bl. Pius IX proclaimed the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. In Ineffabilis Deus, the Supreme Pontiff taught, This sublime and singular privilege of the Blessed Virgin, together with her most excellent innocence, purity, holiness and freedom from every stain of sin, as…

In Praise of Archbishop Lefebvre and Defense of the SSPX

Editor’s note: as we announced last week, this is the beginning of an ongoing series presenting both sides of the SSPX debate. This answer to Mr. Salza will also include a general defense of the SSPX. Contributions to this debate on either side can be sent to editor [at] Recently, John Salza wrote an article attacking Archbishop…

Taste and See that the Lord is Sweet: The Marvelous Effects of Holy Communion

Holy Communion is the Bread of Life, the Medicine of Immortality, the eternal pledge of God’s Infinite Love. The whole visible creation is as nothing at all compared to Jesus’ Real Presence among us in His Eucharist, which is truly and substantially His Body and His Blood, united to His Soul and His Divinity. Holy Communion is the Fruit of the Tree…

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