The Roots of Violence is the Hatred of the Truth – Dialectical Neo-Communism in America

Image: The Glienicke Bridge across the Havel River in Germany, where it formed the border between West Berlin and East Germany. (Source) While reflecting on how to write with integrity this article on the current neo-Hegelian and neo-communist (“dialectical materialist”) revolution going on in our beloved country, my husband’s and my dear friend, Brother Andre Marie, M.I.C.M., posted … Read more

Democrat Fingers in the Vatican Pie: Did Obama Force Benedict’s Abdication?

On May 17, I published an article in the Italian newspaper La Verità about pope Benedict’s abdication. A few days before, in a renowned Italian geopolitical magazine called Limes, Professor Germano Dottori had argued that Joseph Ratzinger’s 2013 abdication, and the former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s resignation in 2011, after a financial storm sold … Read more

Interview with Dr. Michael Hesemann, Fatima Expert

Image: Dr. Michael Hesemann with Pope Benedict XVI. Image courtesy of the official website of Dr. Hesemann. After our recent collaboration on the publication of an important 1918 document from the Secret Vatican Archives which reveals Freemasonic plans to destroy monarchies and the Catholic Church, Dr. Michael Hesemann and I had a prolonged conversation via … Read more

Top Papal Adviser Insults the Four Dubia Cardinals

Several Catholic outlets around the world – including Infovaticana and Chiesa e postconsilio – have reported that Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, coordinator of the pope’s “council of nine“, has made some condescending and disrespectful remarks about the four dubia cardinals. The moderate and characteristically gentle Italian journalist and Vatican specialist Marco Tosatti went so far as to say that … Read more

Have the “Errors of Russia” Now Infected Rome?

One hundred years ago, Our Lady of Fatima mysteriously warned us of the danger that the then-unspecified “errors of Russia” would somehow come to spread throughout the whole world if Russia would not first be adequately and solemnly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Such a consecration, moreover, was prophesied to attain Russia’s own … Read more

Cardinal Cañizares Redoubles Efforts to Defend the Faith

In the midst of so many discouraging and troubling pieces of news, it is always important to point out manifestations of virtue and of the good that still abides. One of the great defenders of Catholic Truth right now is Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, the Archbishop of Valencia, Spain, about whom we had presented a … Read more

Vatican Climate Expert Shows That $ustainability Pays

For the last two years, the Vatican has trotted out its newly-minted expert and jack-of-all-trades, Jeffrey Sachs.  Embracing the image of the stereotypical member of the Ivy League elite, the Harvard-educated economist-turned-polymath  and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University propounds on every topic that passes his gaze – from poverty to global warming, climate change to Thomas … Read more

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