Archive for

Elizabeth Yore

Viganò’s Verities Hang like a Black Cloud over the Vatican

In the Gospel of St. John, from the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, (the date of Archbishop Carlo Viganò’s second attestation), Jesus observes, “Here is a true child of Israel. There is no duplicity in him.” One can’t help but ascribe this same observation to Archbishop Viganò. His brave and bold witness rings authentic…

courageous vigano

In Viganò, Veritas

And so he spoke. Knowing the personal risks of truth-telling in the Church of Bergoglio, Archbishop Viganò stepped off the ledge without a safety net, confident that the truth would provide a soft landing in eternity. No one should doubt the validity of his allegations. They ring true, confirmed by eyewitnesses, validated by his integrity…

Vatican Climate Expert Shows That $ustainability Pays

For the last two years, the Vatican has trotted out its newly-minted expert and jack-of-all-trades, Jeffrey Sachs.  Embracing the image of the stereotypical member of the Ivy League elite, the Harvard-educated economist-turned-polymath  and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University propounds on every topic that passes his gaze – from poverty to global warming, climate change to Thomas…

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