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Scholas Occurrentes: Another Vatican-Soros Connection?

(Image: Screenshot from the Scholas Occurentes website) After our recent report about Pope Francis’ praise of a Soros-funded left-wing organization called PICO — People Improving Communities through Organizing — we have been informed by some Spanish-speaking sources about a connection between Pope Francis’ papal foundation Scholas Occurrentes and one of George Soros’ close allies in … Read more

Pope Francis Praises Soros-Funded Organization; Encourages “Resistance”

On 17 February, Pope Francis released a letter written for those gathered for the World Meeting of Popular Movements held in California from 16-19 February — a meeting organized by the Vatican. Such meetings regularly take place in the Vatican and are initiated by Pope Francis himself in his attempt to work together with a variety of grassroots … Read more

Is there a Vatican-Clinton-Soros Axis?

This morning at Casa Santa Marta, the current papal residence, Pope Francis once more made his case against those who are clinging to the Laws of God, claiming that they might lead a double life, are sick or are otherwise distorted. He then claimed, “it is not easy to walk within the Law of the Lord … Read more

American Fighting Men Renew the Crusade Against Communism

A casual perusal of the most recent headlines coming from Rome–even by the most uninformed Catholic reader– would cause a reaction of great concern and above all, confusion. For those who have a bit more information at their disposal – and who may be aware of other news and machinations coming from the World Economic … Read more

Ukrainian Catholic Priest Responds to Viganò about Ukraine

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   I recently watched a robust critique of Archbishop Viganò’s geopolitical analysis by Ukrainian Catholic priest Fr. Jason Charron on the Matt Fradd show. I highlight his critique not because I agree with everything that was said, but because it is an important analysis from an important source. It … Read more

Russian Roulette: Western Missteps in Ukraine Coming Home to Rus!

Editor’s note: reasonable Catholics will disagree on this complex situation. Therefore OnePeterFive will consider submissions from a variety of authors to address the situation as long as they are pious and supported by evidence.  “Men will not accept truth at the hands of their enemies, and truth is seldom offered to them by their friends: … Read more

Archbishop Viganò: President Trump Has a “Decisive Mission” in the Current “Epochal Confrontation”

INTERVIEW BY FRANCESCO BOEZI WITH ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ 28 September 2020, Saint Wenceslaus, Duke and Martyr Archbishop Viganò, why did you write a letter in favor of President Trump? On August 14, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI let me know that it was his conviction that at that moment my providential position was the Nunciature … Read more

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