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Today’s Catholic ‘Hard Sayings’: Women Should Work Primarily in the Home

“Women,” writes Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, “are not suited for certain occupations,” for “a woman is by nature fitted for home-work, and it is that which is best adapted at once to preserve her modesty and to promote the good bringing up of children and the well-being of the family.” How such statements have…

cubicle farm bureaucracy

Amazon Synod Reveals Vatican Bureaucracy Nightmare

We’ve heard it before: universities have changed. Professors no longer teach “Shakespeare 101,” but “Shakespeare and Gender in Multimedia” or “Elizabethan Bard Culture.” And poets like Milton and Crashaw have been “canceled.” The classics aren’t just too dead, too white, and too male — they’re too elitist now, too. To delight in the grandeur of…

The Evidence Suggests The Francis-Scalfari Connection is No Accident

Since the news broke early this week that the nonegenarian atheist socialist editor of Italy’s La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, claimed that Pope Francis told him during one of their many conversations that he did not believe Jesus was God, the Catholic commentariat has been engaged in a rhetorical battle to the death over who to believe,…

It’s Past Time for Theologians, Canonists, Bishops, and Cardinals to Weigh in on the Status of the Papacy

It was once the sort of question that was shared in hushed tones after a few drinks, back in the early days of the pontificate when only a few people seemed to be aware just how bad things were. “What if Benedict is somehow still the pope?” “I think Francis may have lost the office…

Scalfari, Friend of Francis, Claims Pope Believes Jesus Was “Not a God At All”

Amidst the raging debate over what was at best a syncretistic (and at worst an overtly pagan) opening ceremony for the Amazon Synod, an early push for ending clerical celibacy from Cardinal Hummes, cringe-inducing virtue-signaling from members of the Catholic media, and the jaw-dropping brazenness of a key synod organizer — Bishop Erwin Kräutler — openly supporting women’s…

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