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Jerry Salyer

Revolution & Counter-Revolution: A Review of A Primer On the Right

Primer On The Right: The Challenge of the Modern Right and How It Relates to the Contemporary Left Robert E. Salyer Self-Published 103 pages $8.99 Paperback Many Catholics are dismissive of the Left versus Right divide, deeming it a false dichotomy – a distraction from more substantial divisions, such as the one separating the Catholic…

Put Not Your Trust in Princes: A Review of Austin Ruse’s “The Catholic Case For Trump”

The Catholic Case for Trump Author: Austin Ruse Publisher: Regnery 208 Pages $12.99 Kindle; $20.99 Hardcover Some Catholic critics of Donald Trump argue that the president’s Catholic supporters are compromising the Faith.  Trump’s stance on border control means he is not really pro-life, so the account goes, and for all his pandering to the religious…

jacques maritain

Jacques Maritain: Visionary or Leftist Ideologue?

There is no question that Jacques Maritain has had a profound impact upon Catholic intellectual life. Notre Dame sports its Jacques Maritain Center; then-senator Kennedy quoted Maritain during an address to Assumption College; Pope Paul VI described Maritain as a “master.” Along with Etienne Gilson, Josef Pieper, G.K. Chesterton, and others, Maritain served Saint Pius…

women kids work home

Today’s Catholic ‘Hard Sayings’: Women Should Work Primarily in the Home

“Women,” writes Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, “are not suited for certain occupations,” for “a woman is by nature fitted for home-work, and it is that which is best adapted at once to preserve her modesty and to promote the good bringing up of children and the well-being of the family.” How such statements have…

Book Review: Jack Kerwick Tackles the Problem of ‘Jesus Now’

Christianity and the World Jack Kerwick Stairway Press 192 pages $7.50 paperback, $3.00 Kindle If the primary function of the Church is to promote diversity and multiculturalism, then the world’s many Catholics are obliged to support post-national actors seeking to quash counter-globalist resistance. If, on the other hand, Christian faith and practice cannot be boiled…

Defining “The F-Word”

Fascism:  The Career of a Concept Paul Gottfried Northern Illinois University Press, 2016 207 pages $45.00 A brief anecdote in the author’s introduction makes clear why tradition-conscious Catholics may find interesting this work by Jewish intellectual Paul Gottfried: As a young, impressionable person, I was told by a family friend that an opera singer whose…

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