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Official 1P5 Podcast

1P5 Podcast Ep. 54 – Why Stay Catholic (With Dr. Michael Sirilla)

With so many crazy things happening in the Church — from idolatry to religious indifferentism to seemingly constant changes to established teaching — Dr. Michael Sirilla, professor of Systematic and Dogmatic Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville discusses what the faithful should think — and why they should stay Catholic.   AUDIO ONLY: [Powerpress] RELATED…

1P5 Podcast Ep. 51 – Stefanie Nicholas on Her Conversion

Description: After a brief discussion about the ongoing release of lists of clerical abusers,1P5 Contributor Stefanie Nicholas stops by the podcast today to talk about her rapid and unexpected conversion to Catholicism in the midst of the Church’s great crisis. NOTE: If you’d like to see a video of this podcast, it is now available on…

1P5 Podcast Ep. 50 – Europe Has Lost the Faith; March for Life 2019

Description: New research from Pew shows that Europe has dropped drastically in its overall Catholic population vs. the world. In 1910, Europe had 65% of the world’s Catholics. In 2019, it’s only 24%. Steve talk about what that means. PLUS: 1P5 Contributor Bree Dail reports from Washington DC about this year’s March for Life. NOTE: If you’d…

Ep. 49 – The Benevacantism Controversy & The “Circular Firing Squad”

Description: With over 900 comments since it was published last Friday, Ryan Grant’s article “Rise of the Benevacantists: Who is Pope?” is the most commented-upon post in 1P5’s nearly five-year history. But why? What does the controversy around the question of who is pope underscore? Why are we seeing more and more internecine fighting among Catholics…

Ep. 47 – New Threats to Catholic Student at Providence College; Pope’s “Born Gay” Remarks Go Viral

Providence college student Michael Smalanskas has received new threats about the pro-marriage bulletin board he put up earlier this year, and the administration has only made things worse. Also: former gay man Joseph Sciambra talks about the harm done by Pope Francis and his "born gay" remarks.

Ep. 46 – Student Harassed At Catholic Providence College For Pro-Marriage Bulletin Board

Guests: Michael Smalanskas, senior Theology & Philosophy student and Resident Advisor at Providence College; Dr. James Keating, Associate Professor of Theology and Faculty Adviser at Providence College. Description: Michael Smalanskas, a senior at the Dominican-run Providence College in Rhode Island, was required as a dormitory Resident Advisor to keep a bulletin board updated with informational materials of…

Ep. 45 – The Benedict Letter | Vatican Legal Threat vs. Infovaticana

Guests: Hilary White, Catholic journalist and blogger; Michael Hichborn, President of The Lepanto Institute; Gabriel Ariza, Founding Editor of Description: The letter from Pope Benedict praising Pope Francis was written in response to a request that he write something about a new 11-volume set of books on the theology of Pope Francis. Even before the photo…

Ep. 44 – Dr. John Joy & Dr. Michael Sirilla on “Authentic Magisterium” & the Acta Apostolicae Sedis

Guests: Dr. John Joy, Co-Founder and President of the St. Albert the Great Center for Scholastic studies, and author of the forthcoming book, On the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium from Joseph Kleutgen to the Second Vatican Council, and Dr. Michael Sirilla, Director of Graduate Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and author of The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries…

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