In this episode, Steve breaks down the bad news and the good that has followed in the wake of the extremely tumultuous Amazon Synod.
There’s undeniably a lot of bad news, but there are also signs of hope. There’s a lot to cover, so if you like to listen to someone talking about Church politics for an hour and a half, you’re in luck!
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Related Links:
- Scalfari, Friend of Francis, Claims Pope Believes Jesus Was “Not a God At All” (1P5)
- How Francis Might Deny Christ’s Divinity…Sort Of (1P5)
- Pope Francis denounces Amazon Synod critics as racist (Lifesite)
- Amazon synod bishop: ‘Indigenous people do not understand celibacy’ (Catholic World Report)
- Pachamama and Child Sacrifice (Family Life International)
- From Synodality to a creative pastoral approach (La Croix; Paywall)
- Ordaining married permanent deacons would be ‘a breach’ (La Croix; Paywall)
- Amazon Rite: Pope entrusts Cardinal Sarah with study (Observatorio Catolico)
- Cardinal Sarah Confirms Vatican Retains Last Word on Translations (Register)
- Cardinal Sarah Publicly Refuted by Pope Francis on Liturgy Changes (1P5)
- Cardinal Sarah Effectively Sacked (Gloria.TV)
- The New Motu Proprio: the Antithesis of Authentic Liturgical Development (1P5)
- Survey says: Most Catholics in US reject Church teaching on cohabitation (Catholic World Report)
- Traditional Catholic parishes grow even as US Catholicism declines (Washington Examiner)
- New Survey Shows Disparity of Beliefs Between Latin Mass, Novus Ordo Catholics (1P5)
- Only 26% of US Catholics under 40 Believe in the Real Presence, and That’s No Accident (1P5)
- Communiqué of the Superior General of the Society about the Synod on the Amazon (
- Abp Viganò: ‘The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God’ (LifeSite)
- Fr. Pacwa on Pachamama and Peruvian Earthquake (Twitter)
- Worldwide Days of Prayer and Reparation for Amazon Synod Idolatry on Nov. 9th & 10th (1P5)