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Connecting the Papal Dots: Amoris Laetitia and the Separation of Church and State

Editor’s note: The following comes from a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous. Orthodox Catholics often accuse Pope Francis’s theology of being incoherent. However, while it is true that many of his theological beliefs do not cohere with each other or with Catholic orthodoxy, there is consistency among certain ones that may seem disconnected, even…

New Film Shines a Spotlight on the Crisis in the Vatican

Editor’s note: the following is from Paul Stark, Director of the forthcoming film, The Vatican Deception. There’s a new feature documentary film coming to theaters on January 18, 2018 called The Vatican Deception. It’s a powerful investigation into the past century through the lens of the Fatima prophecies, and it offers insights into the current crisis…

Did CCHD Attempt to Pay Off Investigative Reporters Exposing Anti-Catholic Grant Recipients?

Image: Farragutful, USCCB offices, Added Graphics & Blur, CC BY-SA 3.0 If you know Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute like I do, you know he goes after corruption in the Church like a bloodhound after a scent. He is tenacious, unflappable, and utterly devoted to the cause. I’ve worked with him on more than one occasion, and…

On Evangelization and Mission, Should We Listen to Jesus (and the Church of All Time) or The Novelties of Bergoglio?

During the press conference on the airplane returning from Bangladesh on December 2, the French journalist Etienne Loraillère posed this question to Bergoglio: “Which is your priority: to evangelize or to dialogue for peace?” The response of Bergoglio – after a series of incredible absurd statements – ended with these unheard of terms: “And your…

“Is She Not Our Mother?” – A Story Of Pilgrimage To Our Lady Of Guadalupe

The sun was blinding in a cloudless sky. As I drove the little red Nissan pickup down the barren stretch of desert highway, I noticed something up ahead. A checkpoint. A group of dark-skinned men in military fatigues manned their posts. Sandbags protected machine gun emplacements, and there was at least one Humvee parked near the…

Ep. 44 – Dr. John Joy & Dr. Michael Sirilla on “Authentic Magisterium” & the Acta Apostolicae Sedis

Guests: Dr. John Joy, Co-Founder and President of the St. Albert the Great Center for Scholastic studies, and author of the forthcoming book, On the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium from Joseph Kleutgen to the Second Vatican Council, and Dr. Michael Sirilla, Director of Graduate Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and author of The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries…

Interview – Roberto de Mattei Discusses the Escalating Church Crisis

Editor’s note: Last month, Dr. Maike Hickson began a correspondence with Catholic historian, author, and speaker Professor Roberto de Mattei on the nature of the escalating crisis in the Church. Although her husband’s recent sudden illness has necessitated that she take a leave of absence from her work here at OnePeterFive, she and her husband both…

Cardinal Müller: “They Want Me to Lead a Group Against the Pope”

Editor’s note: this interview was originally published at Corriere Della Sera in Italian, and has been translated and reprinted here with permission.  The theologian: “There is a risk of a separation which could become a schism. I remain with Bergoglio, but those who complain must be listened to.” By Massimo Franco   “There is a…

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