1P5 Minute #17: Embertide, Pontifical Secret, Paglia & German Apostasy

On this episode of the 1P5 Minute, we cover a lot of ground, beginning with an explanation of Advent Embertide, which starts today.

Pope Francis has removed the pontifical secret that kept all information pertaining to clerical sexual abuse cases under wraps; we discuss whether our expectations should change on transparency regarding abuse.

ALSO: Archbishop Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, made waves when he said he would hold the hand of someone committing physician-assisted suicide. We take a look at his comments.

And finally today, we look at the near total apostasy of the German bishops, who have declared homosexuality a “normal form of human sexual predisposition” and question whether the Church’s teaching on homosexual acts and artificial contraception are, in fact, “out of date.”

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