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Amoris Laetitia

1P5 Minute #17: Embertide, Pontifical Secret, Paglia & German Apostasy

On this episode of the 1P5 Minute, we cover a lot of ground, beginning with an explanation of Advent Embertide, which starts today. Pope Francis has removed the pontifical secret that kept all information pertaining to clerical sexual abuse cases under wraps; we discuss whether our expectations should change on transparency regarding abuse. ALSO: Archbishop…

Pope Praises Cardinal Who Now Admits Remarried Divorcees to Communion

Manuel Clemente, the Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal published on 12 July a letter sent to him by Pope Francis in which the Pope praises him for publishing pastoral guidelines permitting some “remarried” divorcees to receive Holy Communion. After his 2016 letter to the bishops of the Buenos Aires region, this is the second direct papal approval…

Burke: Cardinal Caffarra “Personally Delivered” Dubia Letter to Papal Residence

In response to remarks made by Pope Francis that he only learned of the dubia regarding his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia "from the newspapers," the second of the two still-living "dubia cardinals" has spoken out. Cardinal Burke told John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews today that “The late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra personally delivered the letter containing the…

Cardinal Brandmüller Questions Francis’ Claim Not to Have Received the Dubia Before Publication

Today, on 20 June, Reuters published a new interview with Pope Francis. Although the interview is making headlines because of the Pope’s criticism of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, it also contains another controversial assertion: the pope surprisingly now claims that he only heard about the Dubia (concerning his document Amoris Laetitia) “from the newspapers”…

New Sources Bolster Report that Pope Benedict Played Key Role in Synod Compromise

Preliminary Note: Today, 12 March, Vatican News published a report that Pope emeritus Benedict XVI wrote yet another letter. In this new letter, he praises a set of new books on the theology of Pope Francis which make clear to him “that Pope Francis is a man with profound philosophical and theological formation and [which]…

German Bishops’ Website: Considering Cardinal Kasper as a “Pope Maker”

Cardinal Walter Kasper is turning 85. On this occasion,, the news site of the German bishops quotes Anette Schavan – the German Ambassador to the Holy See – who once described Kasper in his presence as “pope maker.” To which tribute he modestly demurred. In a 5 March article, Thomas Jansen, the editor-in-chief of…

Cardinal Eijk On Euthanasia, Gender Theory, Homosexuality, and Marriage

Editor’s Note: the following text is an interview with Cardinal Willem Eijk conducted by the Italian monthly magazine Il Timone and published in Italy. In this interview, Cardinal Eijk makes some courageous statements about important matters of our time. We present to our readers herewith a translation of the whole document, with the kind permission from…

Interview: Bishop Marian Eleganti on Amoris Laetitia and the Little Ones

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Bishop Marian Eleganti O.S.B was conducted by Dr. Maike Hickson on behalf of OnePeterFive. Eleganti is Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Chur, Switzerland and the Youth Bishop of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference. Bishop Eleganti has signed, a few days ago, the “Profession of the truth about sacramental marriage” of…

Interview: Josef Seifert on his Dismissal, Amoris Laetitia, & The Fight For an Authentic Catholic Life Ethic

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Dr. Joseph Seifert, founding rector of the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein & President of the newly founded John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family was conducted by Dr. Maike Hickson on behalf of OnePeterFive.  Maike Hickson (MH): At the end of August of 2017, Archbishop Javier…

Bishop Andreas Laun Signs Kazakhstan Statement on Marriage

Today, on the Feast of the Epiphany, another courageous bishop joins the ranks of those six other prelates who have already signed the declaration of the three bishops of Kazakhstan professing the immutable truths about sacramental marriage and opposes the altering — or softening — of the Church’s teaching concerning the possible admittance of the “remarried”…

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