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1P5 Minute #17: Embertide, Pontifical Secret, Paglia & German Apostasy

On this episode of the 1P5 Minute, we cover a lot of ground, beginning with an explanation of Advent Embertide, which starts today. Pope Francis has removed the pontifical secret that kept all information pertaining to clerical sexual abuse cases under wraps; we discuss whether our expectations should change on transparency regarding abuse. ALSO: Archbishop…

New Life and Family Academy Defends Traditional Moral Teaching on End-of-Life Issues

As we reported in October of 2017, a new John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family (JAHLF) has been founded in order to continue the ethical work of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL) as well as of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, both of…

Far from being an heroic deed, it is a most cowardly act.

With the sad and scandalous news out of Oregon last night of Brittany Maynard’s state sanctioned suicide, thoughts turn toward the eternal consequences of such actions. The Internet and social media com boxes are full of praise and condolences for the terminally ill young woman and her grieving family. Many have offered their personal belief…

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