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1P5 Minute Ep 14 – The Vatican, Gustavo Zanchetta & James Martin

In this episode: The Vatican is sheltering ANOTHER accused clerical sex abuser, this time Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta of Argentina, a friend of the pope, who has been criminally charged in his home country, where prosecutors have requested his arrest by the Vatican and extradition. Also: Fr. James Martin ESS JAYY is being rumored as a…

Scandal-Plagued Honduran Bishop Has Resignation Accepted, But His Superior Still Has a Job

In today’s Holy See Bolletino, it has been announced that the pope has finally accepted the resignation of the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa in Honduras, Juan José Pineda Fasquelle, CMF. In April of 2018, National Catholic Register Rome Correspondent Edward Pentin reported on Bishop Pineda, who despite allegations pertaining to the abuse of seminarians…

Chinese Dissident & Author: Pope Francis is the “Worst Pope in History”

Image: Liao Yiwu by Elke Wetzig (Elya), Liao Yiwu 2010 Cologne, CC BY-SA 3.0 A Chinese dissident and author who was imprisoned by Chinese Communists for four years has warned the Catholic Church about making a “deal with the devil” as regards its negotiations with Beijing. Not a Christian himself, he nevertheless supports Cardinal Joseph Zen in…

Celebration of Vatican’s Intercommunion Rejection is Premature

When the story first broke in April that the CDF had, with the pope’s explicit blessing, rejected the German Bishops’ intercommunion handout, people weren’t sure what to think. Nobody had seen the communication, and it was very intentionally kept under wraps by the Vatican. At the time, I issued a cautionary note about thinking that…

Report from Rome: What Do Vatican Officials Think to Gain in their Agreement with China? (And What Will Chinese Catholics Lose?)

Population Research Institute President and China Expert Steven Mosher went to Rome to warn the Vatican that under the rapidly growing power and religious persecution of the Jinping regime, any agreement between the Vatican and Beijing would be seen by Chinese believers as nothing short of a rank betrayal.

Vatican Theologian: German Intercommunion Plan is “Unwise” and “Defective”

A German theologian and member of the Vatican’s International Theological Commission strongly criticized in a recent interview the German intercommunion handout as it was approved already on 20 February by a majority of the German bishops. He calls this handout “unlawful,” “unwise,” and “defective.” On 25 May,, the radio station of the Diocese of…

Pro-Abortion Advocate Paul Ehrlich to Speak at Vatican Conference

The Vatican will once again be used as a forum to advance population control. Pro-abortion advocate Paul Ehrlich, father of the modern population control movement and author of the 1968 best-seller “The Population Bomb,” has been invited to speak at the Vatican during the February 27-March 1 conference that will discuss “how to save the natural world.”…

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