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Freemasonry & The Catholic Church: A Brief Introduction

Freemasons, Francmaçons, Libremuoratori, Freimauren, were the names given throughout Europe to the builders of the great medieval cathedrals. They belonged to Catholic guilds and were bound by strict adherence to the tenets of the Catholic faith and morality. As they traveled from country to country with different languages and customs, they developed their own set…

Secret 1918 Vatican Archive Document Reveals Freemasonic Plot to Destroy Throne and Altar

Image: Scans of the original 3-page letter from the secret Vatican Archives. We do not have authorization to publish the full contents of the letter, but the author of this report was given permission to review it in its entirety. Dr. Michael Hesemann, a German historian of the Catholic Church, has just given an interview to…

Freemason Service at England’s Mother Church on Same Day as Consecration to Our Lady

Justin Welby, the Church of England’s Archbishop of Canterbury, is allowing a full Masonic service to be conducted in Canterbury cathedral on the same day that Cardinal Nichols reconsecrates England and Wales to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Westminster cathedral on the18th February 2017. Canterbury cathedral was the Mother-Church of All England from 597 till the…

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