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Bp. Schneider: Pope’s Revised ‘Diversity of Religions’ Take ‘Remains Insufficient’

Editor’s note: The following interview comes from LifeSiteNews‘s Diane Montagna. It is reprinted here with Bishop Schneider’s permission. Your Excellency, was Pope Francis’s clarification of the Abu Dhabi document at the April 3, 2019 Wednesday general audience sufficient in your view? And what are your thoughts on his remarks? At the Wednesday general audience on…

Not Authorized: The Untold Story of the Death of the Old Mass

Introduction: A Time of Confusion Although it is now frequently claimed that the traditional Latin Mass (TLM) was never abrogated (totally abolished) following the Second Vatican Council, this position is squarely at odds not only with the lived experience of several generations of Catholics, but with the rapid and near total disappearance of the TLM…

Neumayr in Buenos Aires Uncovers Shame, Resentment of the Argentinian Pope

“We are ashamed of him,” a former prosecutor says of Jorge Bergoglio during George Neumayr’s visit to the pope’s home country. The admission follows an epithet I’d prefer not to print. “He represents our worst qualities,” the man concludes. Neumayr, author of The Political Pope and one of the most dogged antagonists of Theodore McCarrick and…

Do We Appreciate the Church’s Greatest Sacramentals?

OnePeterFive is pleased to share the following homily from a priest of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest. Canon Francis Altiere, ICRSS is rector of Old Saint Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri. This homily was first preached on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost in 2018; it has been slightly modified for publication.…

O Separated Christians, Return Quickly to Your Mother!

In October of 1917, to the general amazement of Marxists and secularists, on a foretold date, 70,000 eyewitnesses saw the supernatural Miracle of the Sun. The Immaculate Virgin foretold the rise and fall of the diabolical sect of atheistic Communism, and the terrible persecutions it would raise up against Christendom and the Church — prophecies…

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