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Cardinal Joseph Zen To His Brother Cardinals: The Church is Being Killed In China

Dear friends and enemies … we are publishing a letter that Cardinal Joseph Zen sent some time ago to all the cardinals, and that he has now decided to make public. Needless to say, the latest news coming from mainland China only confirms and augments the concerns expressed for some time by many people about…

Burke: Cardinal Caffarra “Personally Delivered” Dubia Letter to Papal Residence

In response to remarks made by Pope Francis that he only learned of the dubia regarding his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia "from the newspapers," the second of the two still-living "dubia cardinals" has spoken out. Cardinal Burke told John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews today that “The late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra personally delivered the letter containing the…

Cardinal Brandmüller Questions Francis’ Claim Not to Have Received the Dubia Before Publication

Today, on 20 June, Reuters published a new interview with Pope Francis. Although the interview is making headlines because of the Pope’s criticism of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, it also contains another controversial assertion: the pope surprisingly now claims that he only heard about the Dubia (concerning his document Amoris Laetitia) “from the newspapers”…

Cardinal Brandmüller: Defenders of Adultery are Excommunicated

One of the two remaining dubia cardinals, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, has just given an interview to the prominent German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) which has been published today, 28 October. In this lengthy interview, the 88-year old German prelate explains once more the fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage, as it has been…

Did the Pope Just Indirectly Answer Both Prof. Seifert and One of the Dubia?

Image: Screenshot As we all likely know by now, Pope Francis is a little shy in more directly answering candid questions put to him about his moral teaching. So far, he has not responded to any of the filial and scholarly appeals, nor even to some proposed polite corrections. However, what is equally known is…

Cardinal Müller: “People Working in the Curia Are Living in Great Fear”

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, just gave a wide-ranging interview to Edward Pentin, the Rome Correspondent of the National Catholic Register. Among other important aspects of this report, Cardinal Müller for the first time admits publicly that the Congregation for the Faith did not itself…

Bishop Schneider on Prof. Seifert, Cardinal Caffarra, and the Duty to Resist

Editor’s Note: the following is an interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider, conducted by OnePeterFive’s Dr. Maike Hickson. Bishop Schneider is Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Astana, Kazakhstan.  Maike Hickson (MH): You have signed, together with Professor Josef Seifert (among many others), the Filial Appeal confirming the Church’s traditional teaching on marriage. Professor Seifert has…

Cardinal Caffarra Told Journalist that the Dubia Cardinals Were Being Monitored

Today, 12 September, the Spanish-speaking Catholic website Infovaticana published an important report about Cardinal Carlo Caffarra. It is of such worthiness that Giuseppe Nardi, the Vatican specialist of the German website, has already reported on this story, which affirms that the dubia cardinals are being regularly monitored. Gabriel Ariza, the journalist writing for Infovaticana,…

Dubia Cardinals Audience Request to Pope Francis Has Gone Unanswered For Months

Earlier today, a letter emerged on Settimo cielo, the blog of Sandro Magister. It is claimed to have been written by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, one of the four so-called Dubia Cardinals, on behalf of all four of those prelates who had requested clarity from the pope on specific points of confusion arising from the post-synodal apostolic exhortation…

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