Steve Skojec & Joseph Sciambra Talk About Catholic Cults, Homosexuality in the Church, & the Legionaries of Christ

Last week, I was invited to be a guest on Joseph Sciambra’s new show, Finding Our Father. The topic was Catholic Cults and Homosexuality in the Church, with a specific focus on my experiences spent with the most notorious of these cults — the Legionaries of Christ — founded and run for decades by one of the most horrifying sexual predators the Church has ever seen – Marcial Maciel.

Off the air, Joseph made a self-deprecating comment about his influence, as he tends to do. You’ll be hard pressed to ever find a hint of pride in the man. I told him that contrary to his belief, it’s rare these days that I talk to anyone about him who hasn’t heard his name.

But if you’re one of the few who don’t know him, Joseph is a man who lived the life of an extreme prodigal son, embracing everything the “gay lifestyle” had to offer for many years before having a profound conversion experience. (I’ve interviewed him twice on our own podcast about these topics, which you can find here and here.)

He now devotes his life, through his apostolate, Sons of St. Joseph, to marching straight back into the heart of darkness and ministering to those who are still living that life. He also works tirelessly in his attempts to wake up leaders in the Church to just how dangerous and gay-affirming Catholicism often is, with devastating results to lives and souls.

Personally, I think he’s one of the most heroic and selfless Catholics out there fighting for the faith today, and it seems to always come at a heavy cost. Just today, he posted the following on his Facebook page: “My life seems to be a series of tragedies and attempts to recover – please keep me in your prayers today.”

So whether you watch this show or not, please pray for Joseph today. He is an incredibly courageous man who is doing what few others in this time of complete sexual depravity are willing to do – including many of our priests and most of our bishops.

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