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Bishop Schneider’s New Book “Springtime” a Worthy Successor of “Christus Vincit”

Readers past a certain age may remember the momentous role played in our lives as Catholics by the book-length interviews released by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and, later, Benedict XVI. The first of these and in some ways the most impressive for its time was The Ratzinger Report of 1985. Reading it today can still raise…

Did Pope Francis Just Vindicate the FSSP, or Wash His Hands like Pontius Pilate?

In 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre told his followers that he was forced to disobey Rome and consecrate bishops. The agreement he had signed (which promised fidelity to the Roman Pontiff and confessed the validity of the Novus Ordo and all its Sacraments) would give him a personal prelature and episcopal power to continue the ancient Roman…

This Year, Resolve to Make Your Family’s Spiritual Life “Lockdown-Proof”

Like a decades-old fruitcake or that pink bunny suit from Aunt Clara, the Left’s heavy-handed overreaction to the Omicron variant is the Christmas present that nobody wanted. But that hasn’t stopped the authoritarians from giving it to us anyway, despite early indications that this variant is not as dangerous as its predecessors. Several states have…

True Obedience: A Key Consideration for Our Time

Editor’s Note: In connection with our ongoing exploration of traditional principles of ecclesiology and as a “pre-emptive strike” (so to speak) in view of further anti-traditional moves expected from the Vatican, we offer this exclusive excerpt from a forthcoming book by our contributing editor Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, True Obedience in the Church: A Guide to…

Rome Against the Roman Rite: A Template for Cowardice Continued

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers, It has now been confirmed by Rorate that this is going to be a “template for cowardly bishops” as OnePeterFive writer Raymond Kowalski said. The heretics who hate the Roman rite are hoping to implement their error-ridden motu proprio from the model in Rome. This egregious act of the Pontiff…

A Letter from Kenya: Arrhythmia and the COVID Takeover

Rhythm has always conveyed steadiness, familiarity. Rhythm is our primordial sense of pattern, our recognition of repeatability. Rhythm expresses personal and cultural attachment to what gives security. Rhythm brings us the hidden wonder of both constancy and expectancy. Like the beating of one’s heart. To break rhythm – say, in dance, in an ensemble, an…

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