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catholic church

Steve Skojec & Joseph Sciambra Talk About Catholic Cults, Homosexuality in the Church, & the Legionaries of Christ

Last week, I was invited to be a guest on Joseph Sciambra’s new show, Finding Our Father. The topic was Catholic Cults and Homosexuality in the Church, with a specific focus on my experiences spent with the most notorious of these cults — the Legionaries of Christ — founded and run for decades by one…

Homosexuality in the Church, Cardinal McCarrick, and the Internal Ecclesial Attack on Humanae Vitae

In light of the revelations about the secret life of Cardinal Theodore “Uncle Teddy” McCarrick — a man who has been described with alarming frequency over the years (even though these warnings have gone largely unheeded) as a homosexual predator who took advantage of vulnerable seminarians under his spiritual authority — we wish to present…

1P5 Minute – June 14, 2018: The Francis Effect in Real Numbers

The Vatican just released some data about growth in the Church over the past few years, and the results aren’t promising. Steve talks about the numbers in this edition of the 1P5 Minute. Original Vatican data available here. (Sorry, only available in Italian at the moment.) ALSO: We’ve had some requests to feed the 1P5 Minute…

Back to the Four Marks: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic after Vatican II

The four marks of the Church are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.  With so many changes having happened within the Church during the past century, many are left wondering: what vestiges remain of the Apostolic deposit of faith?  In the era following Vatican II, the two most important evaluations of the four marks of the…

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