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Jonathan Cariveau

Groveling Before the World: Self-Respect and the New Evangelization

Institutionalized adultery, incest, infanticide, shameless sexual abuse of children, and homosexuality. After about a hundred pages of overlap with Catholic truth, the fifth book of The Republic reminds one of the dark side of paganism. The shock of reading Plato talk so uninhibitedly about what we now know as horrific vice is refreshing, like a…

A Poor Church for the Poor? The Universality of Jesus’ εὐαγγέλιον

The universality of Catholicism implies a socially inclusive Church. From its revelation in the institution of Christ and the preaching of the apostles, the New Testament reveals the Church as the home of every natural identity. She embraces women as well as men, the poor as well as the rich, the learned and the simple,…

Bread, Not Stones

At the end of Lent last spring, on Lazarus Saturday, I experienced resurrection from death in sin in conversion. Through illumination in the mysteries of baptism, chrismation (also called confirmation in the West1 My conversion is a bit unusual in this regard. I became an Eastern Catholic — a member of one of the twenty-two…

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