Archive for

Steve Skojec

2021 March For Life Cancelled; March Organizers Are Promoting a “Virtual March”

CNA has the story today on the March for Life going Virtual for 2021. It was sadly predictable, but still a significant first: The 2021 March for Life will take place virtually, organizers announced Friday. The March for Life Education and Defense Fund, the organization behind the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., said…

Pandemic Catholicism: Mass Attendance Numbers Have Dropped To Record Lows

1P5 regular Eric Sammons was recently named the Editor-in-Chief of Crisis Magazine. Today, he has a piece there looking at the demographic shift that has happened over the past year when it comes to Mass attendance, and it’s about what you’d expect: Faithful Catholics in America have long lamented the dreadful Mass attendance numbers of the…

The Pope’s Religious Indifferentism Isn’t Just Wrong, It’s Downright Puzzling

I’ve written before about the rather significant indications that Pope Francis is a religious indifferentist, and why that’s a bad thing. Regular readers will require no additional explanation. In fact, most of us are absolutely sick to death of talking about him. He’s bad, we know it, and there’s not much we can do about…

Abortion Wins in Argentina. Argentinian Pope Barely Lifts a Finger in Protest

In Argentina, feral women — some of them naked and likely intoxicated — are dancing in the streets in celebration of their newly legislated “right” to murder their own children: The crowd of a few thousand burst into raucous cheers and tear-filled hugs as Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who presided over the debate,…

President Trump Issues Proclamation Commemorating 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket

It’s really a remarkable thing. This president and this White House, through all the chaos and bluster that seem to constantly surround both, have demonstrated a closeness to the Catholics of this nation that is really unprecedented. From President Trump being the first to make a personal appearance at the March for Life, to the…

We’re Gonna Get a Whole Year Dedicated to Amoris Laetitia, The Evil Exhortation That Will Never Die

Pope Francis has announced that beginning on March 19, 2021, an entire year will be dedicated to the “Amoris Laetitia Family” (whatever that means): In his Angelus address Dec. 27, the feast of the Holy Family, the pope noted that March 19, 2021, would mark five years since the signing of Amoris laetitia following synods on the family in…

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