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Steve Skojec

Vatican Nixes German Plan for Same-Sex Blessings, But All I Feel is Déjà Vu

The CDF has, to the delight of many, smacked down an initiative from the German bishops to bless same-sex unions with a signoff from the pope. As reported today by The Pillar: The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Monday issued a response to the question “Does the Church have the power to…

Vatican Suppresses Private Masses at St. Peter’s Basilica – Priests Respond

This morning, I awoke to a message from an associate in Asia. He writes: “I know you don’t want to write negative stuff anymore, but this is terrible. No more private Masses in St. Peter’s. So many altars will be desolate, then.” He attached a link to the following letter, in Italian, from the Vatican…

What Does Cardinal Wuerl Know That’s Worth $2 Million?

The headline for this piece was the first thought I had upon reading the following from The Pillar: The Archdiocese of Washington has allocated more than $2 million for the “ministry activities” of retired Cardinal Donald Wuerl. The archdiocese, which has pledged in recent years a commitment to financial transparency, has not responded to questions…

In a New Interview, Former Pope Benedict Reiterates That There is Only One Pope

It’s a new interview from an old pope who had promised silence, but has offered anything but. In a new conversation with Corriere Della Serra‘s Massimo Franco, we get yet another glimpse into the mind and life of Joseph Ratzinger behind the walls of Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, and per usual, it offers a little insight,…

Running on Empty

I took a walk this morning around the neighborhood. Second day in a row. This is an insignificant accomplishment by any objective measure, but it’s a milestone for me. (Recall, if you will, my recounting of Scott Adams’ discussion of the technique whereby one wiggles their pinky finger as the first step to overcoming a…

Well, What Now? A Look at the Difficult Present Moment, With a Dash of Hope

If things here at 1P5 have seemed a little quieter than usual lately, that’s because they have been. Fewer submissions have been coming in, and I’ve personally struggled to find more things worth saying, leaving my pen keyboard a bit more unused than I’d like. If you’ve ever lived through a hurricane, the current moment…

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