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Prominent Spanish Priest Addresses Church Crisis, Speaks about Schism

Just after the recent renewed polite criticism of Pope Francis by Father Thomas G. Weinandy, the well-respected U.S. theologian, there comes to us another priestly voice of resistance, this time coming out of Spain. For some weeks now, Father Santiago Martin – the founder of the international association Franciscans of Mary with 10,000 members world-wide…

Pro-Pope Francis Cardinals Seek His Resignation to Avoid Schism, Reports Times of London

The London Times newspaper is reporting that a group of cardinals who supported Pope Francis now want him to resign and be replaced by Cardinal Pietro Parolin because they fear his reforms will cause a schism “more disastrous” than the Reformation. The Times article draws on a report by the Vatican expert Antonio Socci, a prominent…

Pope Francis’ Reported Words: “I Might Go Down in History for Having Split the Catholic Church”

Today, DER SPIEGEL, a very influential German publication, published an article about the manifest current crisis in the Church, to include a growing resistance to Pope Francis’ proposed and actual reforms. At the end of this article its author, the Spiegel’s Correspondent in Italy, Walter Mayr, reveals an important new leak: In a very small…

Cardinal Burke: A Pope Who Professes Formal Heresy Would Cease to Be Pope

In an interview published this week at Catholic World Report, Cardinal Burke (who gave the Interview on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception) sounds like he’s feeling a bit feisty. Referencing a statement he made in 2004 about “always getting into trouble” after confronting pro-abortion Catholic presidential candidate John Kerry on the issue of receiving communion, the interviewer…

Cardinal Marx Becomes Eighth Prelate to Reject Dubia; Two New Bishops Support Them

Dr. Sandro Magister, the well-respected Vatican expert, has just today published an excellent overview of the current discussion concerning Amoris Laetitia and the subsequent dubia published by the Four Cardinals. He points out that, among the eighteen bishops and cardinals who have made public statements concerning this matter, only seven have defended Pope Francis’ position.…

Cardinal Burke: Formal Correction Will Probably Take Place in 2017

LifeSiteNews‘ Lisa Bourne conducted an exclusive interview with Cardinal Raymond Burke in which she asked about the a timeline for the promised formal correction in the absence of a response from Pope Francis on the dubia related to Amoris Laetitia. Burke responded: “The dubia have to have a response because they have to do with the very foundations of…

Did Cardinal Schönborn’s News Agency Selectively Edit Cardinal Müller’s Remarks on Amoris Laetitia?

Many Catholic observers were somewhat disappointed when Cardinal Gerhard Müller gave an interview published by the Austrian website kathpress at the beginning of December concerning the papal document Amoris Laetitia and the dubia of the Four Cardinals. For, to all initial appearances, he had essentially declined to comment upon the whole controversial matter. However, further…

Cardinal Burke Corrects Errors of Papal Defenders; De Mattei Sets Historical Stage for Confrontation

It appears that the post-dubia battle is one of turn-based strategy. After the initial request for clarification from the pope, we’ve seen weeks of often vicious retaliation from papal surrogates, with reports surfacing that at least some of the responses are even being directed by Francis himself. And now that, at last, the anti-dubia salvo has subsided,…

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