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Cards. Burke & Brandmüller Join Meeting of Bishops, Priests & Laity About Dubia

(Photo: interior of the Basilica of Saint Balbina, Rome) On Monday 5th December Cardinals  Burke & Brandmüller joined a meeting about the dubia at the Lepanto Foundation, at the foot of the Basilica of Saint Balbina, Rome. The keynote speaker was Bishop Schneider who delivered an address on fidelity to the tradition of the Church and its moral teaching. The…

Robert Spaemann: “It is Deplorable that Only Four Cardinals Have Taken the Initiative”

Robert Spaemann, the prominent German philosopher and outspoken critic of the papal document Amoris Laetitia, has just given an interview to the Italian website La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, in which he comes to the aid of the Four Cardinals. As the same website has now also revealed, in a separate article – although Professor Spaemann…

Head of Greek Bishops Accuses Four Cardinals of Heresy, Apostasy, & Schism

The number of attacks on the four cardinals for their presentation of dubia on Amoris Laetitia are mounting rapidly. Two out of three of the new American Cardinals — Joseph Tobin of Newark and Cardinal Cupich of Chicago — spoke out just yesterday against the four cardinals. Tobin, described the dubia as “troublesome” and went on to say,…

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