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Ireland Chooses Death

Editor’s note: it is not our usual policy to print an entire press release in full, but rarely have we seen one so expertly hit the mark. Our thanks to the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts and their executive director C.J. Doyle for this devastating analysis of the Irish vote to legalize abortion. On Friday,…

Interview: Josef Seifert on his Dismissal, Amoris Laetitia, & The Fight For an Authentic Catholic Life Ethic

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Dr. Joseph Seifert, founding rector of the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein & President of the newly founded John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family was conducted by Dr. Maike Hickson on behalf of OnePeterFive.  Maike Hickson (MH): At the end of August of 2017, Archbishop Javier…

Attorneys for David Daleiden Mount Defense, Release Unseen Planned Parenthood Videos

Image source: screengrab Two former Los Angeles County District Attorneys — Steve Cooley and Brenford J. Ferreira, along with their firm, Steve Cooley and Associates (SCA) — have taken up the defense of David Daleiden, the undercover citizen journalist who brought to light the Planned Parenthood videos that revealed some of the shocking practices involving…

Pro-Abortion Advocate Paul Ehrlich to Speak at Vatican Conference

The Vatican will once again be used as a forum to advance population control. Pro-abortion advocate Paul Ehrlich, father of the modern population control movement and author of the 1968 best-seller “The Population Bomb,” has been invited to speak at the Vatican during the February 27-March 1 conference that will discuss “how to save the natural world.”…

A Cause for Cautious Optimism: US Abortions Are Down 12%

From LiveActionNews: A survey released Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) shows that abortion rates are dropping nationwide: the overall decrease was roughly 12 percent. The survey shows in states with significant pro-life legislation, such as Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma, the drop is closer to 15 percent; however, pro-life states were not alone. The report notes that…

Legislating Morality: The Church-State Conflict That Isn’t

During a recent dinner conversation, a Jewish friend asked me, with sincere politeness, if I agreed with the Church’s attempts to “impose its morality” on a pluralistic society when it comes to abortion and other hot-button issues. She, like other American secularists, — I say “other” because, although my friend is Jewish, the Reform denomination…

Why is the Church’s Largest Charitable Organization Involved With Communist, Pro-Abortion Activism?

Caritas Internationalis is the largest social justice organization in the Catholic Church. It serves as a confederation of Catholic social justice and charitable organizations around the world. According to the history presented on the Caritas website: The Church describes Caritas as its official voice “in relation to its teachings in the area of charity work” To…

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