Ireland Chooses Death

Editor’s note: it is not our usual policy to print an entire press release in full, but rarely have we seen one so expertly hit the mark. Our thanks to the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts and their executive director C.J. Doyle for this devastating analysis of the Irish vote to legalize abortion.

On Friday, May 25th, the citizens of the Republic of Ireland, in a national referendum, voted by a two to one majority to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which guaranteed the right to life of unborn children in that country. The referendum only removed the constitutional protection for pre-natal life. Statutory enabling legislation will still be required to actually legalize abortion in Ireland.

The government of Prime Minister—An Taoiseach—Leo Varadkar proposes the unrestricted procurement of abortion, (abortion on demand), for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and effectively unrestricted abortion, with the usual loopholes for the health of the mother, for up to twenty-four weeks. If passed, it would be the one of the most permissive abortion regimes in the European Union.

As the Taoiseach, the government, and all four major political parties in the Republic—Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, Labour and Sinn Fein—support legalization, it is expected to pass in Dail Eireann, and the Seanad, by substantial majorities.

With a referendum turnout of 64.1%, 1,489,981 voters cast ballots in favor of repeal, while 723,632 voted to retain the amendment. The margin was 66.4% to 33.6%.

All four provinces and 25 out of 26 counties—Donegal was the exception—voted for repeal. In the nation’s capital city, Dublin, the repeal majority was in excess of 77%.

The Catholic Action League characterized the vote as “a portentous event, effecting civilizational change, and completing Ireland’s transition to a post-Christian society.” The League went on to say that it would result in “the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent, pre-born children, and the persecution of those who refuse to collaborate in this monstrous evil.”

Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle made the following comment: “On Bloody Friday, in what was both a tragedy and a crime, the people of Ireland, lead by their first homosexual prime minister, voted overwhelmingly to reject the Author of Life and embrace the Father of Lies.”

“After 16 centuries, and more than 60 generations, of Catholic Faith, Christian culture, and civilized morals, the Irish people have repudiated their religion, betrayed their heritage, scorned their ancestors, and abandoned their historic identity, only to descend into barbarism.”

“One notes with irony that 96 years after the independence of the country, the Irish have, once again, conformed  to the values of their former colonial masters. With the Abortion Act of 1967, the United Kingdom—with the exception of the six counties of Northern Ireland—became one of the first western European countries to legalize abortion.”

“No court or parliament is responsible for this. Ireland’s decision is unprecedented. Even in Nazi Germany, a majority never voted for mass murder. Now, nearly one and half million people will have innocent blood on their hands.”

“While foreign money, a monolithically anti-Catholic media, and the pernicious influence of globalist elites in the EU and the UN had a significant impact on the outcome, one must, squarely, place much of the blame on a corrupt, ineffectual, and disproportionately homosexual Irish clergy, which discredited itself by tolerating predators in its ranks, and which offered only tepid resistance to the moral revolution which has now overtaken Ireland.”

“This vote marks the final end of Latin Christendom in the homeland of the Faith, Europe. The toxic mixture of the Sexual Revolution and Vatican II era Catholicism has now deconstructed, in a little over fifty years, a civilization it took nearly two millenia to create.”

“Irish Americans need to reevaluate their traditional support for the unity of Ireland. Northern Ireland is now the only part of the British Isles where human life is fully protected. The pro-life Protestants of the North should be defended from the apostate Catholics of the Republic.”

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